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Stellarium v0.20.0


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Today we released version 0.20.0 of planetarium. Thank you very much to community for bug reports, feature requests and contributions!

Full list of changes:
- Added Almagest skyculture (GH: #1017)
- Added missing Ukrainian translations for landscapes (GH: #891)
- Added show an altitude of perigee/apogee for satellites (GH: #910)
- Added show an orbit inclination info for satellites (GH: #910)
- Added support INDIGO for Telescope Control plugin
- Added tool for extract dates of releases with their versions from ChangeLog and update list of these releases in stellarium.appdata.xml file
- Added particular refresh method for Oculars plugin to see immediate changes of CCD properties
- Added displaying last updated TLE for users
- Added a SIMBAD lookup name query to the Search Dialog (GH: #831)
- Added the configuration file and shell scripts to translate skyculture and landscape descriptions with po4a (GH: #908)
- Added new config and GUI option to change behaviour of focusing on day spinner in Date and Time dialog (GH: #939)
- Added context for name an asteroid (849) Ara to resolve translation issue
- Added a failure warning for Solar System Editor plugin (GH: #932)
- Added Cross-origin (CORS) support to Remote Control plugin (GH: #942)
- Added support for CORS preflight request to the Remote Control plugin (GH: #944)
- Added a minimum near clipping plane distance: slightly improves rendering of Saturn viewed from Pan (GH: #435)
- Added a GimbalOrbit for the "Observer" planets: allows arbitrary viewpoints by keyboard action (GH: #946)
- Added new nomenclature items
- Added new type of planetary feature
- Added automatize for creating Windows installers and signing them (GH: #969)
- Added configuring colors for ocular circles, sensor frames and text output in Oculars plugin (GH: #967)
- Added a toggle action to switch visibility of Ocular GUI button bar (GH: #964)
- Added allowing for assign shortcut for opening the config dialogues of plugins (GH: #964)
- Added display references for proper names of celestial object in description of skyculture
- Added texlive-fonts-recommended to apt-get install doc (GH: #959)
- Added hourly proper motion for planets, minor planets and comets (GH: #957)
- Added shortcuts to change GimbalOrbit distance
- Added actions for rotate reticles into Oculars plugin
- Added modern rotational elements for Solar system objects (GH: #950)
- Added linear model in the first approximation for smooth reduce the brightness of Jovian moons for get more realistic look (GH: #979)
- Added partitions to the Great Circles (GH: #993)
- Added properties for control of line partitions (GH: #993)
- Added fixed distinct length for 30, 10, 5, 1 degree marks for partitions (GH: #993)
- Added configurable thickness for partitions (GH: #993)
- Added German set of navigational stars
- Added nautical navigation data for navigation stars (GH: #955, #408)
- Added special name for landing location (translatable string "landing site") to avoid using "-" as name and good look
- Added comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) as potential superbright comet (a Great Comet)
- Added asteroid (101955) Bennu (provisional designation 1999 RQ36) with texture (and nomenclature some time early)
- Added option to hide Scripts Console at script running
- Fixed script for installing asterisms data in Western: Rey skyculture
- Fixed typos in sky culture and landscape descriptions (GH: #892, #896, #899, #929, #927, #926, #905)
- Fixed restoring star labels state to default value after disabling displaying the Navigational stars data (GH: #898)
- Fixed work AstroCalc/Transits tool for pulsars
- Fixed displaying proper name and designation of pulsars (the output format was unificate with other objects)
- Fixed scaling FOV for CCD with OAG (Oculars plugin)
- Fixed resetting zoom level in Oculars plugin when CCD frame is rotation (GH: #895)
- Fixed name for M48 (GH: #902)
- Fixed CCD rotation issue (GH: #934)
- Fixed wrong text placement on center of screen, when vertical offset is defined (GH: #904)
- Fixed potential bug for updating standard magnitudes for satellites
- Fixed a spurious bad answer in Search Tool (GH: #831)
- Fixed location manager for API changes to GPSd 3.20 (GH: #925)
- Fixed updating TLE for satellites with leading zeros in ID (GH: #920, #897)
- Fixed data formatting for Meteor Showers Search Tool
- Fixed selection the meteor shower from Meteor Showers Search Tool
- Fixed Corona size on HiDPI screens (GH: #911)
- Fixed caching of precession values not being used (GH: #915)
- Fixed color conversion for markers of meteor showers from old format
- Fixed setting thickness of lines for constellations and boundaries
- Fixed jittering labels and moons hints
- Fixed the flawed 2013 brightness model for Venus
- Fixed manage slider by keyboard in AstroCalc/Graphs[Monthly Elevation] tool (GH: #936)
- Fixed crash when observer is on spaceship
- Fixed behaviour of draw the trails of planets
- Fixed opening User Directory in Script Console if scripts directory into User Directory does not exist (GH: #963)
- Fixed crash with the extrainfostrings
- Fixed behaviour of Bookmarks highlights: fool protection is enabled (GH: #917)
- Fixed enabling a reticle for eyepieces in Oculars plugin
- Fixed getting weird data for eclipse magnitude value during transits of inner planets
- Fixed viewing Phobos from Mars
- Fixed velocity value for KeplerOrbit around planets (GH: #950)
- Fixed a few potential problems (CWE-476)
- Fixed constellation lines for Babylonian (Seleucid) sky culture
- Fixed crash Stellarium, when meteor shower selected and you tried set date to outside the activity range of selected shower (Fix #975)
- Fixed crash Stellarium on trying select inactive meteor shower in Search Tool/Lists (Fix #975)
- Fixed displaying info for inactive meteor showers
- Fixed missing translatable strings for nomenclature data
- Fixed the time rate when Solar system body is selected: adjust time resetting for planet proper motion display (GH: #1006)
- Fixed GUI issue: switch off true time indicator when scene is paused
- Fixed false comet in orthographic projection (GH: #389)
- Fixed black rendering of lunar pole (GH: #992)
- Fixed hiding the cardinal points on "planetary observers"
- Fixed weird axis orientation of the Moon (GH: #974)
- Fixed name of a script
- Fixed hides data in Ocular plugin: changed the priority level of drawing for Equation of Time and Pointer Coordinates plugins (GH: #987)
- Fixed crash when observer is on spaceship and target planet is Solar system minor body
- Fixed location info string on bottom bar when observer is on spaceship
- Fixed compilation Stellarium on Solaris (Clang 9.0; SunOS 5.11)
- Updated set of GUI icons (GH: #804)
- Updated list of countries (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) and list of locations (GH: #894)
- Updated list of contributors
- Updated Ukrainian translation of the sky culture descriptions (GH: #900, #907, #912)
- Updated GUI of the Satellites plugin: the color picker button was split into 3 buttons to define separate colors for info, orbit and marker of satellite (GH: #910)
- Updated "Save settings" button behaviour: when button "Save settings" are pressed, then emitted signal configurationDataSaved() and all plugins are saved the config data too (GH: #906)
- Updated scripts
- Updated Scripting Console (GH: #995)
- Updated code for Orbit class: combined EllipticalOrbit and CometOrbit classes to KeplerOrbit
- Updated list of MSVC versions for StelLogger class
- Updated GUI for Oculars plugin and changed focus policy for Oculars GUI buttons (GH: #956)
- Updated GUI for Information tab: define new ProperMotion InfoStringGroup flag, and adapt GUI, settings and StarWrapper (GH: #957)
- Updated InfoString: improved readability (HTML symbol syntax instead of Unicode char numbers)
- Updated GUI and shortcuts info for Oculars plugin
- Updated GUI for Script Console
- Updated Moon phases info: Restore/sanitize handling of named moon phases (GH: #950)
- Updated trails behaviour: when planet is changed the trails should be recreated
- Updated trails behaviour: include moons of current planet into planet trails
- Updated trails behaviour: allow limitation (early cutoff) of trail length
- Updated behaviour for selection of meteor showers in Search Dialog (Ctrl+Alt+M) of the Meteor Shower plugin
- Updated default list of TLE sources in Satellites plugin
- Updated Korean translations for Windows Installer (GH: #980)
- Updated DSO names: synced few names from SIMBAD
- Updated the pulsars catalog and tool for generate of JSON catalog from the original data (GH: #989)
- Updated SSD: synced the data by JPL HORIZON for some Solar system minor bodies
- Removed outdated and abandoned code
- Removed code for separate handling hotkeys from Oculars plugin
- Removed unnecessary orbit data from Comets and MinorPlanets (GH: #950)
- Removed of code repetition (GH: #950)

Binary packages you may download at https://stellarium.org website

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Thanks for a wonderful program. If my computer powers off through lack of use while stellarium is on screen, then when the computer wakes up again, stellarium doesn't work. If it's on full screen when this happens then I have to restart the computer- not just stellarium. If it is working in the background when the computer goes to sleep then everything is fine. This has happened on two laptops now so I'm guessing it's a bug not a problem with my computer's settings.

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I'd love to try & use the latest version, but unfortunately whenever I run it, the initial splash screen pops up, then immediately drops down to a small 'white' window and appears to freeze, doing nothing else till I manually close it ....

This isn't the place to discuss software errors, but I don't see an obvious support forum, so here's a copy of the log.


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12 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

I'd love to try & use the latest version, but unfortunately whenever I run it, the initial splash screen pops up, then immediately drops down to a small 'white' window and appears to freeze, doing nothing else till I manually close it ....

This isn't the place to discuss software errors, but I don't see an obvious support forum, so here's a copy of the log.

Stellarium_log.txt 2.94 kB · 5 downloads

I'm having exactly the same problem Julian. Any news on this at all?

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Hi Alexander,

Thank you for the new version. I went for the beta v0.20.0.17814.

It runs fine. Again, I get the best result on my 4K monitor and NVIDIA 1060 in ANGLE Direct 3D 11 mode. I tried the others, but in ANGLE the fonts and lines still look perfect and in the rest not.

I just installed today and will let you know if I come across any issues.

I am very grateful to you and the others of the Stellarium team.

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