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processing help

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Hi Tony, I've just tried this in PS CS3.

What I've done:

Opened your image

duplicated the layer and made the blend method screen

Applied 1st levels adjustment layer - lightly

Applied 2nd levels adjustment layer - again lightly

Applied 3rd levels adjustment layer - again lightly (Better to gradually apply levels and keep the noise down)

Applied Hue Sat adjustment layer

Applied a colour balance adjustment layer

Applied a curves adjustment layer - tiny shadows adjustment

Then tweaked the upper levels adjustment layer for mid tones.

Flattened and saved as small tiff



M13 The Great Hercules 26-3-20 -proc.tif

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Here's my attempt with Astroart6.  Be aware that I'm just fumbling around myself, but here's what I did:

1. Apply DDP filter, to bring out more stars

2. Increase colour saturation, to bring out the star colours

3. Apply unsharp mask, to sharpen up details

4. Remove gradient (Adaptive) - Should prob. have started with this, but only noticed the gradient after doing the other steps.

M13 The Great Hercules 26-3-20 proc EGP.tif

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6 hours ago, Anthony1979 said:

So the images are ok

There is something strange about two of them as far as I could see. It took quite an effort to fix it in processing. I even came up with completely new method of doing it while I was attempting to process the images.

I'll do quick stretch on one of the images to show you what I mean.


In fact, here is the other one:


Gradient is not regular gradient - for some reason there is "hole" in the gradient and it is centered on object (or frame and object is in center of the frame so they align).

This feature is very hard to process and to get nice smooth, uniform background.

Btw - you provided 16bit stacks - it's better to work with 32bit data.

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I've had a quick look at your first image M13.

To process this, I used PhotoShop and:-

1. adjusted the Levels iteratively to gently boost the detail without introducing artefacts

2. I increased colour saturation using Hue/Saturation

3. I sharpened the image using one of my 'actions'

This is what I got:-


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