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"Siril" is NOT my friend

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I made my first attempt at stacking with Siril last evening using an AVI file taken as RGB24 containing 100 images, each of which looked pretty good by itself for what it was.  At the end of the apparent process, the resulting stacked FIT image looked like it was a long exposure shot taken by a person with severe Parkinson's disease.

Now, I know "operator error" when I see it and this episode features me as the contender for the post of operator error poster child. Clearly, Siril is a multi-faceted and very feature-rich piece of software and there are lots of ways to get from the start to the end.  Apparently, I have identified one of the very wrong ways.

If there is a "Siril" maven out there, perhaps that individual might kindly scribble down a process map for Siril starting from AVI to stacked image for the simple-minded. A few hints for do's and don't wouldn't go amiss either.

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45 minutes ago, JonCarleton said:

taken by a person with severe Parkinson's disease.


Never used Siril for Avi content but from what you describe, you stacked without first registering the frames.



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I have siril installed, but tend to use APP.

If I get time I will try and get the hang of it and use it with one of my datasets, record a video session, and post it to my website as a tutorial, but as I say, I have been so impressed with APP (paid product), that I stopped using it.

I blog my progress: https://www.coochey.net

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Thank you all.  And yes, it does have the look and feel of making a cake and forgetting to put the sugar in the icing.  I'll check registering and see if I can find a tutorial on YouTube.  Sirilic sounds interesting, I may give that a look as well, though my French is not so good.  I can manage German and Spanish but French (shudder). 

I remember the last time I had to follow French instructions was to compile a 1200 baud internal modem driver (yes, that means decades ago).  It ended well, but I didn't want to do that again any time soon.  Now we have Google Translate, so perhaps it is time to retry.

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