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First Light Brief Report - Sky-Watcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian...


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Yesterday evening, there was a lovely clear sky to view out the back door.  Once I had nearly gave myself a hernia lifting out my new Dobsonian, I was looking forward to viewing Venus.  Unfortunately, it had disappeared over the roof tops, but I did manage to spot the constellation of Orion to the South.

Using the supplied EP's , Betelgeuse looked a nice yellowish colour.  I quickly remembered with high magnification, how quickly targets shift out of sight.  With the lowest power EP, there was something near Betelgeuse that caught my eye, something that I hadn't seen before with the old 4.5 inch reflector - 3 stars in a nearly vertical row to the right of Betelgeuse!

Due to the light pollution out the back door, I quickly called it an evening, but will get back to using it again in the near future - weather permitting.

Setting up the scope was quite easy from a logistical point of view, but bending over and assembling the mount out of the box, hurt my back somewhat.  That's probably due to having some muscle problems there from doing heaving lifting, not related to the scope. Setting up the finder scope was a piece of cake, totally different to the experience I had with the previous Meade 114-900 (which was a complete nightmare).  I initially over tightened the swivel bolt on the base, but soon sorted that to make the panning of the mount and scope a bit easier.

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Do you take the OTA off the base before taking it out? I set up my SW 300p Flextube base first, then lower OTA onto the altitude bearings, takes about 5 minutes to ready everything, including attaching finderscope. I can carry the base with one hand but cradle the OTA carefully when on the move. Being a flextube, it's easy to move when the upper assembly is lowered down and locked.

My azmiuth bearings are almost too smooth, it will rotate around and weathervane in anything over a breeze so I need to devise some type of braking system or simply tighten the nut up a half turn ;) 

The altitude bearing system is rudimentary and attracts some criticism, but works great for me. 

I have some clear epoxy for boatbuilding, I'm thinking about sealing all surfaces of the chipboard base, especially exposed chipboard, and re-assembling it this summer. 

They are great scopes!

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3 hours ago, Ships and Stars said:

Do you take the OTA off the base before taking it out? I set up my SW 300p Flextube base first, then lower OTA onto the altitude bearings, takes about 5 minutes to ready everything, including attaching finderscope. I can carry the base with one hand but cradle the OTA carefully when on the move. Being a flextube, it's easy to move when the upper assembly is lowered down and locked.

My azmiuth bearings are almost too smooth, it will rotate around and weathervane in anything over a breeze so I need to devise some type of braking system or simply tighten the nut up a half turn ;) 

The altitude bearing system is rudimentary and attracts some criticism, but works great for me. 

I have some clear epoxy for boatbuilding, I'm thinking about sealing all surfaces of the chipboard base, especially exposed chipboard, and re-assembling it this summer. 

They are great scopes!

I did my 'He-man' impression by carrying it out in the oner, regretting it later though! It was from my downstairs flat out to the communal drying green.  The bolt isn't too tight or loose now, just about right.

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The first day I had my 500p, the delivery driver was in a rush (and I was as well, so I could temporarily hide it until I broke the wonderful news to the boss!) so I picked up the base with mirror assembly/mirror cell (no primary mirror, it was packed separately). I did lift it, for a very short distance.

Bad move. I didn't drop it, but later estimated it was around 55-60kg without the mirror, and when I sat it down very gently I properly pulled a muscle in my back and it took going on a month or more to heal. 

I've tried to shift my 300p fully assembled a very short distance when the object I was viewing went below the building next door, and I gave up in equally short order. Not so much sheer weight, as it is bulk,

SW should sell an optional wheelbarrow handle kit for their dobs - they'd sell like mad!

I'll tighten up my azimuth a bit, it's nice to track with when it's calm, but a pain when it's breezy out.

Have fun with it. Scarp15 just wrote an observing report with his 8" on star clusters, there's a lot to see despite the LP. If you have a car, try a darker site sometime, it's like using a scope twice the size!

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4 hours ago, Ships and Stars said:

The first day I had my 500p, the delivery driver was in a rush (and I was as well, so I could temporarily hide it until I broke the wonderful news to the boss!) so I picked up the base with mirror assembly/mirror cell (no primary mirror, it was packed separately). I did lift it, for a very short distance.

Bad move. I didn't drop it, but later estimated it was around 55-60kg without the mirror, and when I sat it down very gently I properly pulled a muscle in my back and it took going on a month or more to heal. 

Good lesson there. Even if a painful one! 😧

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Great to hear that you got a first light so quickly. A few things that have helped me with my 200p are an ironing chair (saves your back when the scope's in a tricky position, but be ready for the assisted living spam if you get it off Amazon),  a Rigel Quikfinder (so you can get a rough aim) and Sky Safari - planetarium app, where u can set your field of view up- really helps with the Star hopping.

I find Betelgeuse (even in it's current diminished form) and big orange stars like it very beautiful in a dob. 

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51 minutes ago, Whistlin Bob said:

Great to hear that you got a first light so quickly. A few things that have helped me with my 200p are an ironing chair (saves your back when the scope's in a tricky position, but be ready for the assisted living spam if you get it off Amazon),  a Rigel Quikfinder (so you can get a rough aim) and Sky Safari - planetarium app, where u can set your field of view up- really helps with the Star hopping.

I find Betelgeuse (even in it's current diminished form) and big orange stars like it very beautiful in a dob. 

It's the best viewing weather we've had in a long time. Storm after storm curtailed any viewing opportunities. Sky Safari is okay, but I prefer Stellarium. I find that it gives more detail...

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20 hours ago, Ships and Stars said:

Do you take the OTA off the base before taking it out? I set up my SW 300p Flextube base first, then lower OTA onto the altitude bearings, takes about 5 minutes to ready everything, including attaching finderscope. I can carry the base with one hand but cradle the OTA carefully when on the move. Being a flextube, it's easy to move when the upper assembly is lowered down and locked.

My azmiuth bearings are almost too smooth, it will rotate around and weathervane in anything over a breeze so I need to devise some type of braking system or simply tighten the nut up a half turn ;) 

The altitude bearing system is rudimentary and attracts some criticism, but works great for me. 

I have some clear epoxy for boatbuilding, I'm thinking about sealing all surfaces of the chipboard base, especially exposed chipboard, and re-assembling it this summer. 

They are great scopes!

I presently have a 200P but looking to move up to a 300P flex, great to hear it's still moveable 😀

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1 hour ago, merlin100 said:

I can't see me upgrading anytime soon or at all from this behemoth!😲

I said that about my 200p _ although I will never sell it. I do intend to also purchase a 300 or 350 in the future.

the 200p really opened my eyes and showed me some amazing things in the sky, for that I will keep hold of it forever. 😊



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