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..and another M81/M82 in widefield


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I was careful not to "over denoise" the image.  That is a very easy hole to fall down trying to kill the noise but it ends up killing the picture with it.  I'd rather leave a tad of noise and preserve the details.

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On 16/03/2020 at 20:02, tomato said:

Great widefield image, I had a background noise issue on a recent close up image of M81, but alas I’m pretty sure it was noise and not IFN.

Thanks.  It's always better - IMO - to leave a remnant of noise rather than try to eliminate it completely by over-clipping, or pressing the noise reduction tools too far and losing precious detail.  I am still learning where the line is drawn.

Consequently, when I'm processing the data and moving sliders around with insouciant aplomb, I am always saying to myself when I move the sliders"that's 6 x 10 minute subs you could have killed there......."

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Nice image, good star colour :) very similar to one I did last year > There is lots of nebulosity in this area of the sky which I found made the background very tricky to process; what appears as weird gradients are in fact faint traces of nebula that are only just coming out of the data. I found it useful to compare to other photos on Astrobin to see what signal was there, so that i wasn't trying to process it out!

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20 hours ago, SamAndrew said:

Nice image, good star colour :) very similar to one I did last year > There is lots of nebulosity in this area of the sky which I found made the background very tricky to process; what appears as weird gradients are in fact faint traces of nebula that are only just coming out of the data. I found it useful to compare to other photos on Astrobin to see what signal was there, so that i wasn't trying to process it out!

Thanks, yeah, I reckon there may be more data in this in the IFN that I haven’t managed to bring out, the luminance especially is loaded with IFN. I intend to play with this further.

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