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M42 - A little background information...


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It's the same old pic, but I have tried every trick I know to try and highlight the surrounding nebulosity. This seems very dim compared to the rest of the nebula. I had seen it on one of the pro's pics, and fancied trying to get some data on it, but then noticed it was a 12 hour exposure they had used. :shock:

At any rate, I fairly pleased with what has managed to come out of this, especially as the subs all had a hideous orange gradient from top to bottom from the light pollution. Pixinsight was used extensively in the processing. Version here 1/3 of original size.

Thanks for looking, cy'all in the new year when I return! Have a good 'un!


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Les, I use a CLS filter for nearly all images taken from home. Without it I get nothing but orange from the parcel depots etc at the airport nexy door. Even at kelling heath I found an improvement to be honest. It's a shame because they do cut off quite a bit of light, making the exposure length needed to be longer, and if your'e not careful you can get a colour cast.

Kevin, after a few days at my parents, i'll be down at Christchurch caravan site, so i'll test out your proposed site for imaging if we get a clear spell :( I'm really hoping for a good southern view for a couple of nights to get something on the cone nebula.

Cheers all.


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Oh YES!!! That chocolate brown outer dust region is something rarely seen. That was your goal, it seems, and you've done it. I'm so impressed that you have managed it form such a difficult site. Parcel depot... Yikes, well done that man.


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