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DSLR imaging help pls - what all am I doing wrong?

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As part of my continuing experiments in AP, I tried using an old DSLR (Pentax *istDS, no filters) for wide-field.  I took 15x60 sec lights, and also took 60 sec darks, and biases and flats (all at infinity focus and the same f/2.8 as the lights - lens cap on for darks & biases, and a light box for the flats at 1/180s exposure to avoid overexposure).  When I stack and process this is what comes out.  (PI for the stacking - but the same thing w DSS; these rings emerge when I apply ABE in PI).  I foolishly forgot to take the images as RAW (so these are all JPEG lights, darks etc).

Did I take my flats & darks & biases wrong, or is this b/c its JPEGs?  I like how many stars the image captured, but I wish I knew how to process it so that those wrings don't appear.  I will take them as RAWs again in the future, but what else should I do to avoid what I hope is user-error rather than the camera!

Thank you,




Edited by vineyard
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Thanks for this.

4 hours ago, happy-kat said:


Do you get the same result if you remove the flats from the stack?

I've posted that variation below - the rings aren't as distinct but they're there (as are the dust bunnies...which at least means the flats are removing the bunnies!). I'll iterate on other variations as well.

3 hours ago, alacant said:


Post -links to- each of the master files you used. Then it makes it easier to find what's wrong.


Here are the links to a dropbox folder - I hope those are the master files you meant alacant?


Thank you!



Autosave001 no flats_ABE.jpg

Edited by vineyard
wrong file uploaded before!
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So I iterated a bit more and the rings are there in all cases (even stacking lights only...does that mean there's something wrong with the DSLR chip or the lens - its a Sigma EX macro 105mm lens f/2.8 although I was using it at infinity focus).

Light frame stack (you mean the .tif file?) also added to the dropbox.

Thanks again!

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8 minutes ago, vineyard said:

you mean the .tif file?


Yes, but not the one you uploaded. That file has been stretched. We need the linear file direct from the stacking software.


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Looks OK. I'd redo the flat frames. Next time out, remove any filters from the imaging train.

E.g. set a white screen on your 'phone and place your lens face down on top of it. Use AV to shoot a few frames.



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Thanks alacant - I really appreciate that (how'd you do that magic?).  Yes, will do that for the flats (from memory I'd just used B setting to take the flat).

And Aramcheck I hope you're right too - I hadn't used the DSLR in so long (smartphones!) that I forgot it was in JPEG mode until afterwards...

Cheers & clear skies!


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You should turn off hot pixel detection in the cosmetic tab in DSS, that is causing your star centres I think. (though it might just be chromatic aberration in your posted image)

Edited by happy-kat
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So I tried with new set of flats (manual focus to infinity, same f-stop, AV mode) and unfortunately no joy.  I did manage to remove them during post-processing (see below), but unfortunately lost some detail in the orion wide-field shot (you could see a hint of the flame but that's gone).

Alacant I think you hit the nail on the head re the filters - my first thought was that I did not place any filters, but then I remembered I'm using an unmodded DSLR, and looking at my Pentax (istDS) specs, there is a fixed anti-aliasing filter on it.  So I'm guessing those are Newton's rings (this image of those looks v similar, and hence also being present in a stack of only the lights?)?

How to remove them though is my next topic of research.  I think an istDS can be modded but I'm not sure I'd trust myself (would anyone have any recommendations?).  Perhaps a tilt adjuster, but I think those have to be placed between the filter & the sensor since the rings are coming from the reflection between them?  Perhaps a different shaped dust shield on the end of the lens?

Ah well.



Gemini Castor & Pollux widefield PI GIMP.jpg

Orion DSS PI GIMP LR.jpg

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Could we see one of your new flats please? The iso would also need to be the same as the lights. And if you put a lens cap on that's darks flats I find them great for noise reduction.

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41 minutes ago, vineyard said:

anti-aliasing filter


Not sure, whilst I think the filter you mention has something to do with both long wavelength red and ringing effects, I think its presence would be to minimise the effects rather than enhance them. It certainly looks however like the effect obtained when glass surfaces interact.

Could you take a flat frame with the same lens on a newer camera body?

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12 minutes ago, alacant said:


Could you take a flat frame with the same lens on a newer camera body?

Good idea - will try that with another DSLR (different dust bunnies I guess but let's see if the rings reappear).  Cheers

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Ooo had a thought, I find if I use a phone as the light source for the flats I have to place the phone on the lens, if I place the camera on the phone it creates weird effects on the screen which might be an issue.

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So I think it was the fact that I foolishly forgot to switch to RAW mode.  I think those rings may have been some weird compression artefact b/c I tried again (same camera, same lens) earlier this week - this time in RAW.  And no rings!  (The flats could be better in this image, and the old Pentax either has a lot of chip noise or there was a massive gradient because of light pollution (I didn't use a LP filter) so I've cropped it a bit.

Progress of some kind I guess (at least the stars are not quarantined!).


UMa_whole_smaller version.jpg

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