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Comet C/2017 T2 Panstarrs, SN2020ue

Bill S

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Actually clear last night for a change. Had a ramble around some Arps in Leo (5, 87, 301 and 320) and Gemini (Arp 165). Also had a look at Comet C/2017 T2 Panstarrs, which is holding up well and visible all night. It's in Cassiopeia and around magnitude 9.



Another transient object holding up well is supernova SN2020ue in NGC 4636. It's in Virgo and is magnitude 11.8. Discovered 12 January it is a Type 1a (the ones involving material accreting on to a white dwarf from its binary companion until the white dwarf gets so massive it collapses to give the supernova). Because it's this type, which has a standard brightness is useful as a 'standard candle' distance measure.



Let's hope for some more clear skies!

Best regards

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That's a great shot of the comet Bill. I must admit this one has passed me by so far. I note you used the 'hyper' stretch, presumably to get the tail as well as you have captured it.

I'd be interested to see your Arp 165 if you feel like posting it because I also took a look a few days back and it would be interesting to compare. To me it looks like a mini version of M87 with a jet although I imagine it is just a star in the wrong place. I did manage to get a hint of the faint curved tail, but barely.


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Yes, the hyperstretch (my favourite) does bring out the tail. Reading up about this comet it does not look like it is going to get a lot brighter. It's still on its way to perihelion (May) and has passed its closest to the earth.

It's about time we had a good naked eye comet. Still, The wonders of EEVA do help keep the interest up.

Mike - do you need to go down the Jocular route? I certainly like it a lot. If you have any questions let me know. Obviously Martin is the best for most things but I am using on Windows.

Best regards



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