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Mars or Antares?


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This morning, between 6.30 to 7.00, low down, just to the right of where the sun is coming up. I was driving so couldn't get exact bearings. It wasnt fully dark but it seemed too bright for a star to be visible, though Antares is I big one! Anyone else do a bit of morning sky scanning that could confirm?

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3 hours ago, david_taurus83 said:

Ah, just fast forwarded Sky Safari. Probably Jupiter, it was hiding behind a virtual tree!. Never mind!

Screenshot_20200212-104039_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

I must admit I find it a little odd that the app includes high trees, mountains and other objects that obscure your view of the horizon. I know you can change this to transparent but then it gets a bit disorientating. My vote is they keep the lush green grass and have uniform hedge row around the perimeter at a 2mtr height limit. That way the virtual birds still have nesting grounds and we get a clearer view 🙂



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