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MESU 200 MK2 Install Part 1


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After receiving my Geoptik weights I excitedly set about installing my new mount, a Mesu 200 Mk2. Here are my initial thoughts, I hope you find some part beneficial.

I have always wanted a Mesu but shied away because of cable snag concern with unattended dome operation. This new mount removed my prime concern and I think demonstrates Lucas has been listening to his Mount users. 


Minor alterations to my pier top plate (drill & tap 3 holes) and the mount wedge is easily fitted. My wedge is specified for Lat 52.  The assembled mount is then fitted to the wedge by 3x12mm SS bolts. These 3 bolts are also used for polar alignment adjustment. With the counterweight bar fitted there was only 10cm gap with the ring of my 2.2M dome.

I use a Polemaster or Sharpcap/camera for PA. So for this mount I utilised an Ioptron adapter plate to fit the polemaster camera, 6xSS washers and job done, kind of looks neat as well.

While I have never operated an original Mesu 200, I was aware of the importance of good mount balance. Whereas the original Mesu has permanently coupled motors the new unit has motors that can be de-clutched. Simply rotating the motor by a little black knob, it is either coupled or decoupled from the friction drive. Mount locks are also fitted to both axis plates and 180 degree rotation locks/unlocks the drive plate. I made a note to check locks are disengaged before the operating mount. I will fix some labels indicating the lock and unlock positions.

Threading service cables through the mount was a pleasure. None of the angst of my other mounts, this was simplicity itself. Given the available space, I shouldn’t need to fit DC distribution, USB hubs and PCs piggyback style.

I balanced my WO Gtf81 setup, its lightweight and short focal length were ideal for initial testing. During the balancing with motors disengaged I noticed some very light resistance (probably the friction drive) so don’t expect the finesse of a CEM.  Overall the task was quick, easy and don’t foresee any problem balancing heavier loads. 

Software:The Mesu 200 MKII uses the Sitech Controller I for mount control. While new to this controller and software the download and installation was straightforward.  Thanks to Steve Richards excellent “Mesu 200 Quick Guide to Installation” the task of configuring the SiTech software for the mount was simply a case of following the guide. 

Of note, Lucas Mesu pre-configures the Servo configuration file for the mount and these setting must not be changed, the only minor alterations are to the owner’s local settings. I completed the installation by backing up the configuration files. 


Next Commissioning.






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Great stuff.

My only comment would be to smear the Geoptik counterweights with some sort of waterproofing - they will go rusty if you dont!

I have lacquered mine and so far they are rust free but originally they rusted with a couple of weeks. I removed it and lacquered them before it got too serious.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 21/01/2020 at 16:01, Xsubmariner said:


I forgot to mention in my report a big thank you yo José @carballada for your patience and advice with the Mesu 200 Mk2. Without your reports/videos I might have stalled with my decision. Your observatory is amazing and I want your skies.

please!!!!! thank you for share all this information!! and congratulations for this nice set-up that your are running :D

regarding the skies... my sky is also terrible, as you know I am operating a remote observatory and you are invited to join us there, on this location my astro group has some observatories for sale ... but this is another adventure..... :D

couple of additional questions: could you finish a sky point map using the sitech software? what results do you have on phd2?

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I have been washed out here ever since I did my initial testing with the mount. I haven’t had any opportunity to progress any SiTech grooming and wonder if it is necessary at this stage other than proving it works. I was hoping to have my Dual 130 APO setup in place by now, but just haven’t been able to complete mount testing in all, my fault for buying the Mesu.

Until I get some decent sky for testing the GTF81 will stay in place for initial trials.


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  • 5 months later...

@Xsubmariner  I love your mount and thanks for sharing this. I hit the BUY button today and ordered my Mesu e200. I am reading up and checking out the mout to work out how Lucas saved all the weight and it obviously comes from the pier attachment arrangement. I understand how one does the Lat adjustments by adjusting the bolts but I would like to know how do you fine adjust the Azimuth. I cannot see any way to adjust the Az. I ordered the tripod as I need to move my setup occasionally so easy fuss free adjustments are important for me.

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The fine and course adjustments are with the same three bolts.  Using a Polemaster I found the PA was within 20 arc/secs. So far I have found the mount tracks ok without any further adjustment. Once I boot the system I unpark the mount and command a platesolve and sync which takes about 20 secs, following the solve I have found the mount takes 2, very occasionally 3 platesolves following a slew to centre the target. Note I use SGP centre to target and have set 2 pixel accuracy. 

Enjoy your new mount you won’t regret it.

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  • 5 months later...

My mount has finally arrived. I have assembled it now for the software setup. I travel for the holiday from tomorrow so with only be able to set up in the new year. In the meantime I am asking around to do setup as I have zero experience with SciTech and it does look a little daunting.


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Great to hear you have your new Mesu, you will not regret it. I haven’t bothered with PA drift aligning, T-Point/SiTech  sky point-map and PEC is not necessary. I find my Mesu’s provide ease of imaging equipment swap outs that don’t need me to expend valuable clear sky (so few in U.K.) time to calibrate the system.

I use SGP for sequence control and just complete a manual platesolve which sync’s the mount on startup. Following a sequence commanded slew to target, both mounts centre to within 2 pixels, usually within two plate-solve iterations. This level of goto performance is then repeated on other targets in the schedule for the rest of the night. While guiding performance is affected by the seeing, I generally get 0.2-0.3 arcsec guiding accuracy with good seeing.

If you plan to operate your mount in the same fashion above, there is minimal interaction with the SiTech controller beyond the initial setup. Good luck with your first light. 

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