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Regiomontanus Crater

Mike JW

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Jan 3rd was one of those steady transparent skies. In addition to my previous post I wanted to take a look at the crater Regiomontanus because it has an interesting central peak. True to form I got side tracked due to there being so much of interest in the area.  I did have a close look at the central peak and yes there it was - a crater let right at the top of the peak. Then I spotted that there was a shallow valley running NE from it, down the Eastern slope. West from the cratered peak the slope is much steeper, resulting in a wonderful shadow. Further inspection revealed a minor peak to the south and a ridge running north. Then I started pondering why is the central peak not in the centre of the crater? I soon realised that the crater to the  north, Purbach was younger and had smashed up and totally obliterated the original northern crater rim. Thus making the once central peak, now apparently an off set central peak. Looking at Purbach it looks like any central peak got covered by lava, then ridges caught my eye - remains of what must be ghost craters - just had to mark those on the rough sketch. And so it went on. What a cracking crater Thebit is, the one at the top of the sketch. In the end I just gave up - so much to absorb. I marked on key shadows and a few key details, deciding that I would have to rely on an image of the area to  add extra details to my sketch.

On the sketch I have done a circular inset to try to show the detail of the Regiomontanus central peak.




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