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Straton success.

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Since I've grumbled about Straton, the star-removing software, in the past I must be fair and say that I've finally got some sense out of it. It was an SGL member (I'm sorry but I can't remember who it was) who suggested ignoring the manual and trying it on the stretched image. I did this on a 10 hour Ha stack on Thor's Helmet. Being a tree-skimmer here at Lat 44, the target produced unhappily large stars but Straton removed them very well indeed from the stretched version in a single click.

I didn't want to produce a starless Thor's Helmet but simply wanted more smaller stars so I then pasted the original linear data on top of the starless image in Ps, set it to Blend Mode Lighten and stretched till stars appeared in the blend. Some stars needed a little attention but I'm pleased with the way this experiment worked. I could have kept them smaller than this had I wanted to.


When adding Ha and OIII to RGB I'll consider using a fully starless version so as to be sure that the NB data has no effect whatever on the final star colour.



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On 08/01/2020 at 00:47, wimvb said:

Have you checked out the new kid on the block: starnet? It also does a good job of removing stars in an image. It's a plug in module for pixinsight, and a stand alone tool for PS, as far as I know.


Yes, but I'm rather intimidated by the business of setting it up!


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56 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

I'm rather intimidated by the business of setting it up!

There really is no setup involved since it works well with defaults.  Just download and run (both mono and colour versions available.) 

if you wanted to set it up with a new training set, then that would be a different matter!


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1 hour ago, ollypenrice said:

Yes, but I'm rather intimidated by the business of setting it up!

Seriously Olly, it was a piece of cake, add the correct version to the bin directory and then just add the module and jobs a good'un if you PM me you number I can give you a call and talk you through it.

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Hi Olly

If I remember correctly I downloaded it from Sourceforge..  unzipped it then copied all to the Program files/pixinsight/bin folder..  then opened Pixinsight..  opened the Process menu.. at the bottom of which is "Modules" click on that to open "Install Modules" search the "bin" folder for Starnet and install..  I did find out how to do this from a video somewhere but it was months ago now and no longer in my (or my pcs) memory ..  







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1 minute ago, gorann said:

Well, I have a good excuse since Starnet only works for PI in Windows, and I have a Mac. Rather irritating becasue it would be fun to test it.:BangHead:

I believe that it works on newer Macs, there's certainly a Mac file to download which I tried without success on my 2013 IMac .  and seem to remember reading somewhere that there are PS and standalone versions 

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3 hours ago, AKB said:

Absolutely!  No need for PI at all.  Just write 16 bit TIFF, run the executable, and load the result into whatever you use.


Starnet works both in a terminal window on a Mac or in PI running on a Mac.  It does need a Mac with a processor made after 2011 that will support AVX instructions which is a requirement of tensorflow.

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6 hours ago, AKB said:

Absolutely!  No need for PI at all.  Just write 16 bit TIFF, run the executable, and load the result into whatever you use.


2 hours ago, wornish said:


Starnet works both in a terminal window on a Mac or in PI running on a Mac.  It does need a Mac with a processor made after 2011 that will support AVX instructions which is a requirement of tensorflow.

You lost me. I have never run anything on my Mac from a terminal window. How does that work?

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19 hours ago, gorann said:


You lost me. I have never run anything on my Mac from a terminal window. How does that work?

The terminal on Mac is a Unix terminal and its best if you have some familiarity with the basic commands like cd to change directory and ls to list all the files in the current directory, pwd to print your current working directory.  To print out the contents of a txt file then the command is cat README.txt. for example.  

If you have never done this before it is worth looking up the basics on the web.


The README.txt file included with the download  gives all the instructions on how to use starnet in the terminal.

You can start the Terminal.app from Finder by double clicking on it  in the Applications/Utilities folder.

That will open a new terminal window with a prompt something like 

Computer-name:~username$  with a flashing cursor after the $

To run StarNet its best to change directory to the directory where the it is located.  This is also the directory in which you need to place your 16bit tiff file that you want to remove stars from.  To do this you use the cd command followed by the directory name.

Here for example is my StarNet directory. The pwd command simply prints out your current working directory.

Davids-iMac:StarNet david$ pwd

Davids-iMac:StarNet david$ ls
LICENSE                mono_test5.tif
NGC6888_1.tif            rgb_starnet++
README.txt            rgb_starnet_weights.pb
libtensorflow.so        rgb_test5.tif
libtensorflow_framework.so    run_mono_starnet.sh
mono_starnet++            run_rgb_starnet.sh
mono_starnet_weights.pb        starless.tif
Davids-iMac:StarNet david$ 

To read the instructions in theREADME.txt file at the prompt$ enter cat README.txt
It will display all the instructions for using StarNet in the terminal.

Finally to run an executable at the $ prompt you enter ./ followed by executable file name and the input file name


$ ./rgb_starnet++.exe INPUTFILE for colour images


$ ./mono_starnet++.exe INPUTFILE for mono images.

Not sure how familiar you are with using unix terminal commands so I hope this helps and its not too basic.  The command line is very fussy over when to use spaces or not so be careful. and good luck

Edited by wornish
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