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Older SX and ASCOM driver


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Dear all,

Are any of you using the SX ASCOM driver together with an older SX camera (I have a SXV-M7 but with a newer 829 chip)? Which version works for you?

I wanted to try NINA for controlling the camera etc. and I tried several versions of Bret's ASCOM driver, but none seemed to work. While NINA connects to the camera, the capture area remains inactive.

Happy new year!


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Hi Thommy, 

I've used Bret's ascom driver with mono & colour SXVh9/c and both work in SGPro & AstroArt... perhaps just check it works in one of these programs first as it'll narrow it down to being a NINA specific issue. 



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Hi Peter,

Today I tested Bret's ascom driver in AstroArt and guess what - it worked! On the other hand I know of others with SX cameras who use the same ascom driver with NINA. So perhaps Nina is allergic to a MX7 or (more likely) there is something different in my laptop setup. Perhaps something with the .net installation?



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Hi Thommy, 

Did you try changing any of the Ascom properties in the SX Camera Setup? 

If not maybe Enable Advanced USB Parameters might help, there's also an  Enable Debugging Option...  not that I'd understand anything you'd get in the dump files though! 


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I did try to play around with different settings with no success, but my working hypothesis is now that the problem is with NINA and not with the driver. My plan is to try the latest nightly and, if this does not work, to install the x86 version. When work and the usual diseases in the family permits me to test ....

I will update the thread when I have some news, but if others have some similar experiences (and solutions) please let me know.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to install latest Nightly and x86 version. Both tests failed, as exposure time, binning and "start imaging" in the imaging window are still grey.

The NINA log is not very informative - only problem is reading ccd temperature, but that's not implemented for my camera anyway.

So if anyone had the same issue with NINA and a SX camera, and solved the issue - PLEASE let me know!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really no one having the same problem as me?

I did a conformity test on the SX ascom driver, but it passed with no remarks. Now, I have replaced my old laptop as well with WIN 10 instead of WIN 7, but unfortunately the problem persists - everything within the imaging window of NINA is inactive.

It's a shame, really, NINA seems very neat.

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  • 3 months later...
On 14/06/2020 at 02:54, Ibbo! said:

I have been trying tonight to get my old H9 to connect to NINA with no luck.

In the meantime, the NINA guys reported back to me that they had solved the issue in the latest ver. 1.10 beta version. I installed this version on my old laptop to test and voila! Now it connects, you can change the settings and download images from the camera. You may not have the same problem. Actually, my camera connected before as well, but somehow NINA waited until the CCD temperature was read which would never happen as it is not supported by the camera.

Try to install the 1.10 beta version to see if this helps. Do you get any error messages?

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