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Broken celestron 6se mount

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Oh, that's bad. I hope the telescope itself is still OK.

About the 4SE mount, I hope it's big enough for the 6SE to point straight up. The 6SE is 406 mm long and weighs 3.6 kg. The 4SE is 343 mm long and weighs 2.7 kg.

The 5SE (330 mm long, 3.2 kg) and uses the same mount as the 4SE. The 4/5SE mount has a  load capacity of 4.54 kg.

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19 hours ago, daz01968 said:

Hi guys happy new year.  My celestron 6se goto mount got knocked down and snapped in half.. I've seen a second hand se4 mount will it hold my scope and still work

No, a 4SE mount will not be adequate.

I have the 6/8 SE mount and am very surprised that it got "snapped in half'.  Did it fall off a 3 storey building?🙂 A replacement would be fairly expensive, even if you can find one.  The alternatives are to strip down the broken mount and mechanically repair it by glueing or bolting etc, or to buy ANY goto mount that is suitable. You do not have to restrict yourself to the SE mounts.   The 6" SCT is relatively light so a Skywatcher Star Discovery mount might suit, or a smaller Ioptron.  Do not buy an equatorial GoTo unless you want one for other reasons e.g. to mount an imaging scope.

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U can buy the 8se mount and tripod used maybe on can wide astro buy sell for like $300 in UK maybe thsts 200.

They have a UK site too 

U could even get it cheaper if u just get the mount without the tripod since yours should be fine. I would guess 150 UK.

Of course u may have to wait till u see one for sale or post a wanted add for it.

U can then sell your mount for parts maybe get 50 to 60 uk for it since the hand controller may be sought after or keep that in case u need the parts later.


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Come to think of it, the 6/8 SE mount is not that great and you might want to take this opportunity to upgrade to something better if, for instance, you did not like the amount of backlash or the wobbliness at high magnification.  It is the cheapest of several mounts offered with the C8, and adequate for visual use only.

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