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Could anybody help me with an Arduino please?


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I have an Arduino Uno R2 which ran my autofocuser before I bought a Lightphase focuser. It's been sitting gathering dust in a cupboard, but since I've got some time on my hands I decided to have a play with it.

For some reason I can't get it to run a sketch after power cycle, I've seen reports of similar on the Arduino forums, but this board used to run just fine.

If for example I upload the 'blink' sketch, it runs fine, then I unplug the USB and reconnect, and the LED just gives rapid bursts of flashing not the steady one second flashes, am I doing something incredibly stupid?

( I admit to not knowing that much about the Arduino, as you can see)


Edited by Horwig
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Thanks Gina, I've actually got two arduinos, the other one is a nano clone, win7 is not recognising that one on USB, claims drivers are not loaded, but also claims drivers are not needed...Blinking computers...

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11 minutes ago, lux eterna said:

I am no Arduino expert but I guess the board is faulty. Maybe the reset button is stuck ? If this is pressed during startup, it will not run the sketch.


No, reset button works fine, if I press it the sketch stops then restarts

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you can now use the working nano to program a new bootloader onto the non working Arduino.  Have you downloaded the latest version of the Arduino IDE, that will have all the latest drivers included for your R2 board and the latest bootloader.


Edited by ringz
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