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10 inch dobs


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BRESSER MESSIER 10" DOBSONIAN Telescope  can i use this for Photography ? And how good is this telescope for  DSO and Planets. any one in group owning this dobby share some snaps taken of dso and planets



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2 minutes ago, shyam said:

BRESSER MESSIER 10" DOBSONIAN Telescope  can i use this for Photography

Given the responses to your thread on the 8" Dob, why do you expect a 10" Dob to be any different?

Imaging with astronomical telescopes is well documented online; I suggest you do some background reading about what kinds of telescope are suitable for what - it is too involved to summarise here. Check the thread on imaging on this forum and see what telescopes and mounts were used - that should help answer your questions.

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Ultimately imaging is a motorised mount, usually a goto as they seems better or more accurate, and a scope matched to te subject.

For Planets an SCT, often with a barlow or powermate, and for DSO's a small fast scrope around the 80mm in refractors or 130mm for reflectors.

The one scope that appears to do neither DSO or planetary imaging is a Dobsonian. The dobsonian was developed as a sort of budget reflector for visual use and to funnel the available money into the mirror side. So they are primarily a visual scope and not well suited to imaging. For lunar they work as the setup then is simply an f/5 lens on a DSLR. The lens just happens to be a rather large telescope however it is just an f/5 lens ultimately. And with that 1/50 or 1/200 of a second will get an image.

Why buy what is a visual scope for imaging. I have seen people recommend that you have a visual scope and an imaging scope since the 2 requirements are almost different enough that the 2 should be considered separate. A possibly extreme example is the William Optics Redcat, designed for imaging as I believe you cannot put an eyepiece on it, so imaging only, no consideration for visual.

It is said the no one scope does it all, but it seems we still talk ourselves into thinking that maybe this one scope will break the rule and do it all.

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Shyam,  the problem is with the mount.  For any serious level of astrophotography you will need a motorised mount as PEMS commented above. Astrophotography, especially for DSO, requires long exposures so the mount needs to be able to track or follow the movement of the stars. A dobsonian style mount does not do this unless it is equipped with a special motorised base - these are generally DIY arrangements. The 10 inch Dob would be excellent for visual use but very limited for photography - you would be able to get afocal shots of say the moon or some very basic shots of the brighter plants but nothing else.  Keep asking questions fella, we are here to help. 


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9 hours ago, shyam said:

can i use this for Photography ?

Hi. If it's this one then it's a big yes, but it's of limited use unless you can get it onto a -preferably equatorial- tracking mount. The build and optical quality of the Bresser reflectors is excellent. You also get a proper focuser and tube rings.


Edited by alacant
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a 10 inch dob will let u see alot BUT biggest factory is your sky conditions and how much light pollusion u have.

AP cant really be done with dobs cept for the basic moon and few planets or star trails and constellations etc. for anything more u need eq mounts with driven motors or goto mounts



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