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Sky ShedPod woes - any covers out there ?


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I have a leaky Sky ShedPod at the usual two spots that a few others have been experiencing (ie at the hinges).

Followed a few suggestions and put some neoprene strips along the edge and even put silicone around the area to form a "dam/run-off" but I do live in Yorkshire and get some very wet weather  ;)

Does anyone know of "covers" that might go over the dome, got to be neat'ish or "her ladyship" will kill me !!

I have seen photo's of some home brew solutions but could not find an email address to chase up. 




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The covers are quite expensive, so I made my own from water proof fabric for boats I think it was.  However it was really difficult to lift onto the dome, I made a loop at the top and had to use a long prop and weights and lift the far side by more hooks onto the prop (which had the weights on), and literally chuck the top and far part over the top with the prop, then the weights would pull the far side down.  

Additionally I got horrible green slime develop underneath the cover so it was filthy to get off and fold up, and the dome looked a mess, so in the end I just got rid of it.

As regards the leaks, yes I have leaks at the pivots, one side much worse than the other.  I simply place a bucket underneath to catch the rain (with the lip pointed into the slight recess, and empty it after there has been a fair bit of a downpour, and use a dehumidifier to keep it all dry.

This was my cover when I used it, with said prop against the fence.



POD cover 2013 .jpg

Edited by carastro
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18 hours ago, carastro said:

Another idea I saw posted on a forum once was this, it's not mine but I saved the picture.


POD Leak gutter.jpg

I like that idea - I had thought of similar but with a drain pipe into the ground, that looks much more elegant!

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