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Hmmm.... Not totally happy with this, still trying to get a handle on LRGB processing, narrowband is much easier as you don't need to balance the colours!  I think I maybe needed longer exposures, since this was only 1min subs, either that or Im just crap as LRGB processing...




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I like it.

I would be interested to know what camera and scope you used.   I tried recently with a 150mmF4 Newt and a QHY8pro OSC  for 15x5mins intergrated time and barely got any nebulosity out at all.

Then again, too much nebulosity steals away the beauty of the cluster.   It starts to look like an accident in a  candy floss factory.


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I used an 8" F4 Newt and a ZWO ASI1600 with ZWO LRGB filters.  I used to have the OSC QHY8 and would have got loads of nebulosity at 5 mins, I think either something went wrong during processing or you had some high cloud?  Here's an M45 with the same newt and same sub length but with the QHY8 OSC


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Thanks Blinky.    I will post my QHY8pro result when I get home.   Yes, high cloud could have been a factor.   I went for the Horsehead later in the evening and got nothing discerible.

"Too far"  ?? ....  no that's still Ok by my aesthetic standards  ( :) ).  I run the risk of showing an example of one that has gone 'too far'  that might belong to an SGL member  ( ☺️ )

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Here's mine.     6"F4 GSO Newt.   About 75mins  of 5min subs. -20'c below ambient.    No flats or darks applied but some PS processing  (yes, tut,tut  I know but ....read on)


I am still doubtful over whether the QHY8pro gives me the game changing boost in results over a modded DSLR.  Hence I am only using it now and again and as yet I am not fully convinced.

It has been quite a long journey with the QHY8pro to overcome glass fogging /frosting and then radio frequency interference on the subs.    My Atik 414ex mono is just superb and ultra sensitive and works without a quibble and as such gets priority on the precious clear nights. 

Anyway, that misting around the stars looks suspiciously like high cloud though.   





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1 hour ago, Craney said:

Here's mine.     6"F4 GSO Newt.   About 75mins  of 5min subs. -20'c below ambient.    No flats or darks applied but some PS processing  (yes, tut,tut  I know but ....read on)


I am still doubtful over whether the QHY8pro gives me the game changing boost in results over a modded DSLR.  Hence I am only using it now and again and as yet I am not fully convinced.

It has been quite a long journey with the QHY8pro to overcome glass fogging /frosting and then radio frequency interference on the subs.    My Atik 414ex mono is just superb and ultra sensitive and works without a quibble and as such gets priority on the precious clear nights. 

Anyway, that misting around the stars looks suspiciously like high cloud though.   





I would say that's cloud as well

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