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A brace of Ha with the Canon 200mm+ASI1600


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The moon was bright and clouds intervened anyway but not before I grabbed a couple of images with the Canon 200mm and ASI1600MM-Pro.

Still getting to grips with the ASIair but so far it works like magic with the EFW and EAF via the iPad.

NGC1499 is 19 x 120s Ha; Orion is 20 x 30s + 20 x 60s + 20 x 120s of Ha, all unguided. All processed in PI with a little bit of noise reduction in PS.




Star shapes are not too bad in the extremities of the image. All the indications are the 200mm + 1600MM are an effective pairing.

As always comments and criticisms are welcome.

Thanks for looking.


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15 minutes ago, Rodd said:

All three are top notch. 

Thank you Rodd. I did set out to get OIII and maybe SII but the weather went down the pan as the moon came up and that was that!

I know it lacks detail but I really enjoy the wider field view that the 200mm/1600 combination offers. I also like to see these targets in relation to one another.

I really value your positive feedback on the images.

12 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Adrian, that HH M42 image is stunning. It's inspiring me to dedicate this winter to a decent colour mosaic of that region!  NGC1499 is just rippling, splendid.

Thank you Adam. I know some feel Orion is a bit over-imaged but it can be so rewarding. I will have to revisit it on a clear moonless night (laughing out loud) and try to get some OIII and maybe some SII. In my dreams.

I'm really pleased you like the images.

I am just loving my current setup. The ASIair is great but the star of the show is the iPad app that controls it all; it is an absolute joy to use - and all from the comfort of my favourite chair in front of the fire. Marvellous!

Thank you again for the kind comments.


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