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Garden with partially blocked view - What can I expect?

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During half-time of a football match I was watching, I launched the Stellarium software on my PC, then I found the moon at S/SW direction. Then I raised the curtain, and boom.... it is right there in the sky through the window. 

Took a picture with my phone. Does this count as my first luna photo? 🤔

Maybe I have another option, that is to use 200P in my bedroom, watching the entire S/SW sky through opened windows?  😆


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Checked on 'Clear Outside' APP - got a 'green sky' last hour - spent 10 mins and finally convinced wife to go out to freezing rare garden to see the night sky with me (first time for me too).

This is what we saw (Stellarium showed this is Cassiopeia? - see pic below) - wow! I did not expect I can see so many stars with naked eyes as we live not very far from town (I checked our postcode has Bortle number 5/6). We can also see 'Cygnus', 'Lyra', 'Andromeda' and almost all constellations 45 degree around the Zenith. 

After we came back in, wife said to me 'you know what....maybe we should order the telescope sooner'

Sure. 🤣😎


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I've similar skies here but get good views from the back garden as its reasonably dark that side of the house. Front wouldn't work for me with LED street light that's v bright. Main view for me is to SE as there's a bit oak tree to the south but I've had nice views of Jupiter and Saturn earlier this year and of course the moon. Impatiently waiting for Orion to be back in view at sensible hours as I had some nice views with bino's last year and can't wait to see how much more the scopes show 🙂

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Hi there, 

I have a similar restricted view from my backyard but I still enjoy viewing most of what is out there. I use Stellarium to plan ahead, in this software you can import a panoramic image around your observing site and load it as your horizon. The feature works very well and there is a good guide on Stellarium website that explains how to do it. I use a dslr and photoshop to prepare the image but a mobile phone with a panoramic mode will be enough. 

Enjoy this hobby, it is very satisfying! 

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