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The Elephant's Trunk Nebula

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2 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

Neil what do you do when you upload the image. It is quite pixelated when I click on it. 

Most odd, it looks fine here - one pixel per pixel, if you know what I mean!

It's just a standard PNG, at half APSC-size (I used super-pixel mode).

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Just now, carastro said:

The image itse'f without zooming looks good, but it doesn't look good to me either when I try to zoom in on it.  Are you sure you uploaded the right file?  Looks more like a jpeg to me.


I think it's just a bit noisy and colour blotchy being only 1 1/2 hours data?

But criticism is useful... How about this?


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21 hours ago, carastro said:

This is what I am seeing if I blow it up.  It's not noise it's like Jpeg artifacts.

I have blown up one of the areas bottom left. 


SGL StubM.png

Usually means I used Noel's Deep Space Noise Reduction followed by Astra Image's Denoise ; must take care to use on OR the other..

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Well I've still used both on this iteration, but with greater care, sacrificing a bit of detail for greater smoothness. It is only 17 subs, so noise is an issue.

What do the 'panel' think?

(Edit - I masked in the old bright stars as they had posterised a bit, they are now bigger, but softer and more natural looking).


Edited by Stub Mandrel
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Ah. much better.  I stopped using Noel's noise reduction some time ago as I found it was detrimental to the nebulosity.  the only noise reduction I use now, is despeckle. 

Great image. 


Edited by carastro
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