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Ovio Optics


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Hi all

Has anyone had any dealings with Ovio Optics? They are a French company. I've been trying to place an order with them for a reflective spectrometer slit but I just can't get it to checkout! They seem to have a convoluted order processing procedure especially for any order outside France. As far as I can tell I've done all that's required - agreed their terms, requested a shipping estimate, selected a payment method. I get an estimate and click on 'convert to cart' but end up going round in circles! It just keeps leaving out the shipping details. I've emailed them - they have a separate email for exports. But no reply. Very frustrating! If anyone on here has used them and know the magic word, I'd love to have it!


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My mate Fulvio has noted in his Spec 600 write up (http://www.lightfrominfinity.org/Spec 600UP and Spec600 EVO/Spec 600 UP e Spec 600 EVO.pdf)

""However, the Ovio has recently been incorporated into the French firm Jeulin, so it will be
necessary to contact this last company to acquire the multi-slit plate, that actually is sold in
bundle with three others plates, that don’t have interest for our purposes, or in a kit of two slit
plates.It will be necessary to ask the Company to sell the multi slit plate only.


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5 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:


My mate Fulvio has noted in his Spec 600 write up (http://www.lightfrominfinity.org/Spec 600UP and Spec600 EVO/Spec 600 UP e Spec 600 EVO.pdf)

""However, the Ovio has recently been incorporated into the French firm Jeulin, so it will be
necessary to contact this last company to acquire the multi-slit plate, that actually is sold in
bundle with three others plates, that don’t have interest for our purposes, or in a kit of two slit
plates.It will be necessary to ask the Company to sell the multi slit plate only.


That's confusing! I have it here:


I have had an email response from them:


Ovio Instruments is very pleased and would like to thank you for your quote on our store. You should receive a pdf version of it very shortly. You can also access it through your personal account on the website.
For your information, you can also convert it into an order by using the "convert to order" function.

Should you have any questions regarding this quote, product, delivery or even guarantee,

just drop us a line here : export@ovio-instruments.com with your quote details
or give us a ring :
+33 1 71 49 10 70 (From Monday to Friday, from 6.30 to 3.30 pm - UTC).


Delivery outside France Metropolitan:
For any delivery outside France Metropolitan, an estimate (in PDF version) will be sent to you by e-mail through our authorized distributor on the export, JEULIN company, and this in the next 24 hours.
This quote will include shipping costs to your delivery address.
For any question please contact our export service:

Thanks again for your trust.

Ovio Instruments team "

I have the quote in my account but after clicking 'convert to checkout/order' it still won't process/checkout. It's been driving me nuts since yesterday, ooh la la!
I'll see if anything changes on Monday


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6 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:

Just checked the Jeulin site:

That's what your looking for.


I'm still confused. If Ovio no longer sell it, how come I can select it in an order and receive the above email for it? Doesn't make sense. I could buy the jeulin one so long as it can be removed from the case? Member on here, Andrew, kindly sent me a version but it's in a metal case/surround so I think it's too big for the Lowspec design. I can't see any way of removing it from the surround. I can't seem to win here!


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2 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:


OVIO are the local French supplier, Jeulin sells their product outside Paris and France.


Jeulin and Ovio have the same address so essentially the same company. If I don't get anywhere with Ovio, I'll have to ask  jeulin if I can easily remove the disc from their case. It's a bit more expensive also but not much in it.



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3 minutes ago, ejp1684 said:

This is the link I used to buy mine. Initially I also had the same response you've had, Louise, got nowhere so ignored it.


Ignored it? What, you didn't buy one? Did you get the 'jeulin' one instead?


Edit: re-reading it, I gather you had the same problem with Ovio and got the jeulin one. My head is spinning!

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30 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:

Onwards and Upwards....

It's a long and winding road... :) I've been looking everywhere for an m5 x 25mm coupling. Hardly anybody seems to do M5 ones (mostly just even sized ones) on Ebay /in Europe, but they seem to be easier to get in the States. Found some in UK but they are only 20mm long and zinc plated - will have to do! Finding particular springs is a bit of a nightmare too. I think I'll take pot luck and buy an assorted box for £4.50. Needed a 6mm dia aluminium rod. Have found a 1m. length at Screwfix. Nearly there with the hardware. I sent an enquiry to irpoyser.co.uk re possible lenses but haven't heard back yet. I'll probably get the mirrors from Thorlabs as they aren't too expensive. I'm not convinced everything will actually fit together yet so might have to do some reprinting and or redesigning. I'm going to have a go with Fusion 360 tomorrow :) . If I can get to grips with that, at least I'll be in a better position to change things a bit, if I need to.


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35 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:


For the Spectra-L200 and others I've built, I got my mirrors from Knight Optical https://www.knightoptical.com/

The stainless screws came from Model Fixings http://www.modelfixings.co.uk/fixings.htm

My springs we made for me by Airedale springs https://www.airedalesprings.co.uk/


Thanks. I've looked at Knightoptical but the mirrors I want, though listed, are apparently not available. Their lenses aren't any cheaper than Thorlabs. Their gratings are also more expensive than Thorlabs. I really only need 3 good quality optical items - a 30-35mm dia f=100mm lens, a >=25.4mm dia f= 125mm lens, and a main mirror, 25.4mm dia. (plus a grating, of course). I can get the mirrors from Thorlabs though not sure if their cheaper ones are the best ones to get even though Paul Gerlach has given the part numbers, and they will probably do.

I've ordered all the screws I need (that I don't already have) off Ebay. Airedale Springs look expensive - I always think that any company that doesn't put a pricelist on their web page is going to be expensive... The specific sized spring I need is 7.5 x 35.8 x 0.7mm and is for the focusing mechanism. There may be some leeway. I'll probably have to see how things fit when I can put the mechanism together. Maybe if I buy the assorted box there'll be one in there that'll fit. Maybe I'll hear from irpoyser.co.uk tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll get there in the end!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Lousie I wish I had found this thread earlier , I've just wasted about 30 minutes doing exactly what you did - what a truly awful web site :( .  The alternative supplier https://en.jeulin.fr/simple-radial-slits-212076.html provided by Eric now also sells the slit disc without the mount, also a little bit cheaper than the mounted one.  I've placed an order for that so time will tell , fingers crossed.  


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14 minutes ago, saac said:

Lousie I wish I had found this thread earlier , I've just wasted about 30 minutes doing exactly what you did - what a truly awful web site :( .  The alternative supplier https://en.jeulin.fr/simple-radial-slits-212076.html provided by Eric now also sells the slit disc without the mount, also a little bit cheaper than the mounted one.  I've placed an order for that so time will tell , fingers crossed.  


Oh, sorry - I can but empathise! I didn't see an option without the mount when I ordered mine. They charge quite a lot for shipping/exporting from France. You've seen my Lowspec thread, haven't you? I got lenses from Surplus Shed and saved a lot. But had to get the reflection grating from Thorlabs. Also got the optical mirrors from Thorlabs - not too expensive.


ps oh yes, I see it now. Only about 4 Euros cheaper

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Thanks Lousie , I was about to ask about the other components.  I've been following your other thread and have just ordered the grating from Thor Lab, the lenses there look a wee bit pricey so I'll take your lead and have a look at surplus shed. Did you find an exact match for the lenses as per the material list for the spectrometer.     What about the micrometer stem , where did you source that?

Lol my main body has just finished printing - good to get that done; my longest print so far about a day and 5 hours I think !! 



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3 minutes ago, saac said:

Thanks Lousie , I was about to ask about the other components.  I've been following your other thread and have just ordered the grating from Thor Lab, the lenses there look a wee bit pricey so I'll take your lead and have a look at surplus shed. Did you find an exact match for the lenses as per the material list for the spectrometer.     What about the micrometer stem , where did you source that?

Lol my main body has just finished printing - good to get that done; my longest print so far about a day and 5 hours I think !! 



Yes, takes a long time to print the main body/case. When I did mine I actually only meant to print the base so I could check the layout. If you try to use camera and collimator lenses that are too big, they may not fit. Anyway, in the end I just let it print to the end :)

The lenses I got from Surplus Shed seemed a good match though I've yet to test them properly. The collimator fl is quoted as 125mm in the design but when I measured it (albeit just with a ruler) it looked like that might be a wee bit too long but I've yet to definitely confirm that. From Surplus Shed I got 2 x L13930 which are 26 x 121mm, 1 L x 13857 which is 25.4 x 87mm, 1 x L10914 which is 25.7 x 120mm, and 1 x L14253 which is 13 x 31mm (Total cost $37.50 + $8.60 for shipping).  At the moment, I'm using the L14253 for the guide camera. I altered the size of the holder to accommodate the slightly bigger lens (actually, I just redid the design). I'm using the L13857 for the camera lens. The collimator lens is currently an objective lens from a SW 6 x 30 finder - I had to make a bigger holder for it as it's 31.2mm dia and I haven't as yet incorporated a stop ring (which is in the design). The lenses that will be used aren't finalised yet. Earlier today I made a little stand to hold a small mirror at 45 deg (I got some small square and round 1" craft mirrors off Ebay). The mirror was to temporarily go in place of the grating holder so I could check that the collimator lens could be focused on the back of the slit. At a glance, I think the 125mm lens can focus on it (I need to bend over to check it but my back is killing me today :( ). I'm not sure if it would be better to have a larger lens for the imaging camera. But if what I have in place works ok then I'll leave it as it is - at the moment the camera lens centre might be a little low. I can also use the 45 deg mirror to check where the camera lens focus will be, so a useful tool.

Oh, the micrometer I got off Ebay for £20 - lucky bargain! I'm not sure that there isn't a way around using a micrometer - perhaps just a screw would do if you have an imaging camera with a large sensor. The 6mm aluminium rod for the camera lens focus mechanism I got from Screwfix quite cheap but had to saw the required lengths. I couldn't fin a source for the 25mm round coupling so got a 20mm one instead. Seems ok but I'm not overly fond of the camera lens focusing mechanism but it just about works.

Hope that's helpful


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Louise that's great, thanks very much for taking the time to post that it will save me a bit of time searching. :)   I'm slowly going through the lens finder on Surplus Shed now.  I still can't get over that Ovio web site - absolute nightmare. Never mind though I'm so pleased about the main body being finished , onto the other parts tomorrow.  I'm mindful of the issues you had with the T2 screw printing so fingers crossed. 


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11 minutes ago, saac said:

Louise that's great, thanks very much for taking the time to post that it will save me a bit of time searching. :)   I'm slowly going through the lens finder on Surplus Shed now.  I still can't get over that Ovio web site - absolute nightmare. Never mind though I'm so pleased about the main body being finished , onto the other parts tomorrow.  I'm mindful of the issues you had with the T2 screw printing so fingers crossed. 


If you have a 6 x 30 finder (as supplied with a ST80), the objective is 125mm fl. I got the slightly shorter fl achromats from Surplus Shed because I thought the collimator-slit distance might be less than 125ml though it looks like 125mm will do (but need to double check when my back allows). Printing the T2 threads might be straightforward - it might depend on the particular filament. Even a small amount out might make it hard to screw a T2 metal male part into the printed part. It's probably luck of the draw!


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  • 3 years later...

Happy I found this and sorry I'm late to the thread. Pity as I could have run off some of these mechanical components in my machine shop and sent them out for the cost of shipping. I have just printed the main body and lid of the Lowspec. I'd love to hear from anyone else who has built it. This thread ends short of a final successful build and performance review. This DIY might be worthy of its own category or website/FB page ?

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On 01/11/2019 at 08:03, Thalestris24 said:

Hi all

Has anyone had any dealings with Ovio Optics? They are a French company. I've been trying to place an order with them for a reflective spectrometer slit but I just can't get it to checkout! They seem to have a convoluted order processing procedure especially for any order outside France. As far as I can tell I've done all that's required - agreed their terms, requested a shipping estimate, selected a payment method. I get an estimate and click on 'convert to cart' but end up going round in circles! It just keeps leaving out the shipping details. I've emailed them - they have a separate email for exports. But no reply. Very frustrating! If anyone on here has used them and know the magic word, I'd love to have it!


I'm clicking the links in this thread and getting nowhere. Louise, did you finally get your plate and if so, can you please tell me, with a link that works, where you got it from ? Thank you.

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