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30.10.19 Nice prom!


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Just now, Pete Presland said:

Lovely fine details visible there.

Thanks Pete but I'd like a lot more finesse.
It's my lack of skill with Registax mostly.
I can see the fine detail on the computer screen during the capture.
Getting it show in the final image still eludes me. :crybaby2:

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Thanks Pete. I usually cover only the area of interest in spots. Registax usually likes to add too many spots in blank areas.
So I usually reduce them in number so that Alignment doesn't take too many long minutes. It regularly falls asleep on me during alignment!
It's not because my laptop is slow. Anything but with W10,  i7 and SSDs!

I repeatedly try Autostakkert but still find it completely opaque and can never discover how to find the finished "still" afterwards.
Trying to re-send to Registax for Wavelets has never worked for me. Presumably because I don't have a finished still.
I keep trying iMPPG too but it remains stolidly "unhelpful."

It is the processing which is denying me the detail I can see steadily on my 25" HD monitor.
Registax often displays a stacked image far worse than any single frame! How is that even possible?
I scrap loads of attempts at Registax and have to start over.

What I badly need is a "Processing for Dummies" which doesn't tax my remaining 1.5 brain cells.
I repeatedly watch the YT guides and have forgotten half of it by the time they have waffled on and on.
[Much like I do!] :blush:

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