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Atlas and Hercules

Mike JW

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Another clear spell saw me out there looking along the terminator just before midnight, when I stumbled across Atlas and Hercules. The shadows from Atlas indicate a very jagged crater wall made up of several major peaks. The floor of Atlas is very rough indeed. Atlas would appear to have steep terraced walls. Hercules has a  much gentler appearance and has big crater within its floor. Both these craters seem sit on a raised plateau of very rough terrain - need a decent all terrain quad bike to scoot around this area as well as some serious climbing kit to reach the sharp peaks.

To the right of Atlas is a much eroded elongated crater, presumably much older than Atlas and Hercules as well.

Two craters near the terminator have very long shadows - I assume this means they have high walls and judging by how black the crater floors are this would seem to confirm this idea?

The mountain tops in the blackness of the night gradually got dimmer over the 1.5 hours I watched this area as the sun gradually dipped below the lunar horizon......




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Another good evening Mike. Brilliantly caught and observed sketch. Making me feel lazy for not having the determination to get out last night too now, I noticed the stars were out whilst I walked Wiggins, but it felt all a little too late at the time to get all set up in the back garden by the time I got back. But as always, if you don't you end up feeling you should have!

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