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Best basic DSLR for imaging?


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I've been asked to recommend a DSLR for students to use when starting mobile imaging (less stuff to carry when you don't have transport!).  The likelihood is it will be used with a standard lens, probably a staranalyser, and also an ED80.

My feeling is a Canon for best compatibility with software control, but which one?



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3 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

That looks interesting I'd not heard of staranalyser, or whether that has any bearing on camera choice.

You need to visit the spectroscopy section on here 😉   Cheap way into spectroscopy - fit to a DSLR seems an easy way to start gathering data (analysing it is a bit more of a learning curve though!)

I was looking at WEX for secondhand (this is an official University purchase so its easier to go through a supplier) and they don't have 550 or 600, but this 750 looks interesting https://www.wexphotovideo.com/canon-eos-750d-digital-slr-camera-body-used-1719488/  articulated screen, but also wifi for transfer and control.  Would that be ok?




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In "economy" price range - not sure there will be much of a difference in sensor quality.

Yes - go with Canon. I've got the impression that Canon raws are the least fiddled with by camera firmware, and that is a bonus. Pixel sizes are not as important for lens / short scope wide field setups, and SA dispersion can be controlled by lens, again not much of impact on camera body.

I think that choice of lens is going to be more important here. It needs to be relatively fast with good star shapes. It needs to have some common filter thread and there should be thread reducer for 1.25" in order to use SA front mounted.

One thing that you can recommend would be astro modding - removing anti alias filter and replacing UV/IR cut filter. If you can find online tutorial for that / video of some sort - go with the body that is used in tutorial. Second hand cameras can be really cheap, and there is no need for new unit to start with.

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1 minute ago, Helen said:

You need to visit the spectroscopy section on here 😉   Cheap way into spectroscopy - fit to a DSLR seems an easy way to start gathering data (analysing it is a bit more of a learning curve though!)

I was looking at WEX for secondhand (this is an official University purchase so its easier to go through a supplier) and they don't have 550 or 600, but this 750 looks interesting https://www.wexphotovideo.com/canon-eos-750d-digital-slr-camera-body-used-1719488/  articulated screen, but also wifi for transfer and control.  Would that be ok?




The later 650/700/750D models are not the best for AP as they suffer from banding under certain conditions due to the "hybrid AF pixels" they use. If you can stretch the budget a bit have a look at the 60D as well and check the MPB photographic site too. I do like the wifi feature though...


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Ah wait. You are looking for a single item and not general recommendation for students to get for them selves?

Here is an interesting item then - it will offer both simple to use in field without computer / laptop approach, but also advanced features of set point cooling (will need power source like a battery or something). It is a bit on heavier side.


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Yes, a single camera for Uni students to use over the next few years.  I think the Primalucelab ones above looks interesting, but the extra power required would negate the advantage of simplicity I think.  The students already have access to a mono ASI camera (although I think it is uncooled).


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