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Mare Crisium

Mike JW

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It is not often I look at the waning moon but last night it worked out. Mare Crisium was stunning. So much detail and the wrinkle ridges very much in evidence.

I enjoy seeing the technique used by Martin (Lurcher) so I gave it a go but the result is so appalling I am not prepared to post it. The technique is so different to my normal approach that I could not master it. I think I try to do too much detail. So hats off to Martin.

Below is my normal technique but not as good as I would like it.



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That's a stunning sketch. You've got the surface brightness spot on!  

As for the one you didn't post - they sometimes just don't go to plan do they... I often look at a sketch of mine and wonder what I was thinking..but I suppose it all helps in the long run..


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1 hour ago, Mike JW said:

I enjoy seeing the technique used by Martin (Lurcher) so I gave it a go but the result is so appalling I am not prepared to post it. The technique is so different to my normal approach that I could not master it.

Hahhha!! Why change Mike!!?? That's fantastic and much better than what I manage to scribble! In fact - I was out myself last night and after a very frustrating time with my scope I did a sketch of the Cleomedes, Burckardt and Geminus craters - and do you know what?? - I ain't gonna to post it!

Your sketch reminds me of something you'd see in a text book.

I will have to go back again and try the three craters I mentioned again. There was a lot of detail in and around the craters to get stuck into, and last night they were right on the edge of the terminator so that the darkness crept in between them making the rims of the craters stand proud of the terminator. Looked really good.

Thanks for posting Mike. That's a great effect you've got going on there.

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45 minutes ago, Lurcher said:

Hahhha!! Why change Mike!!??

Don't what to get stuck in a rut!! 

"I did a sketch of the Cleomedes, Burckardt and Geminus craters" -  I thought about those. Burckardt is just on the edge of my sketch.

Actually I was tempted to not draw at all because it was fascinating to watch mountain tops disappear into the black, shadows lengthen, cliffs becoming highlighted....


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