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Mobile mirror cleaning service


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Dors anyone know of a mobile mirror cleaning service my 14" mirror could do with a clean and maybe a recoat

Alternatively are there any members on here nesr Liverpool/Wirral able to help?  Not too confident doing it myself unless its not too difficult to clean a mirror with a good guide/instructions.

Edited by PaulM
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I think you might find it difficult to find a mobile recoater. I know alot of the coatings require a vacuum chamber.

Just how dirty is it? The typical attitude towards it is that unless its seriously affecting your viewing its best to leave it dirty.


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Good article, I did basically the same with my 8" mirror and it came up like new! One thing, in Scotland our water is that soft that you don't usually need to rinse with RO since its not far off that out the tap!

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Good link from Geoff Barnes.
Somewhere on SGL there is a very good cleaning video by member Steppenwolf.
Essentially the same techniques (from memory) but with the benefit of moving pictures to follow.

I have used the washing up bowl, mild detergent followed by deionised water method with success and improtantly, no discernible damage.
The worst mirror I cleaned had been left facing up and uncovered in a shed for a year or two. It came up really well.

To finish rinsing, I have used a mix of deionised water and IPA (isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol).
This has the benefit of reducing surface tesnion, to discourage droplet formation, and making a lower than water boiling point mixture that will easily evporate using a a hair dryer.

Just take care. Don't rush and get all your cleaning stuff to hand before starting.
If there is a bit of stubborn muck, leave it. You won't notice it in the views.

HTH. David.

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2 hours ago, Geoff Barnes said:

Cleaning a primary mirror is relatively easy if you just follow some simple common sense rules.

Have a look at Steve Kirk's article on cleaning his 12 inch mirror, it's very well done and simple to follow.... .https://www.sjkastro.com/cleaning-12-dobsonian-mirror/

Thanks for linking to my website; it is very much in development still and a ton of stuff I need to write up in the various sections.  It is also a bit slow to load the home page too and I am investigating why.

I intend to do a mirror cleaning video as well echoing what I outline on that post and will put it on that page.

I have used this technique for many mirrors without any problem at all.

Edited by kirkster501
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