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SH2-201 is a small emission nebula located in Cassiopeia. It is often captured as a by product of the commonly imaged Soul Nebula (SH2-199), which is partially shown here to left of the SH2-201. 

On the annotated image below, I've also marked the location of a Herbig-Haro object (HH-163). These transient objects are  formed when high speed narrow jets of partially ionized gas from new born stars collide with nearby clouds of gas and dust. Typically, they only last a few tens of thousand of years.

On the processing front, I decided to process the nebula separately from the starfield by firstly removing the stars and then adding them back, which seemed to help in getting better definition of the blue stars within the nebula. 

This LRGB image has a Ha blend into the Lum and Red channels and represents about 31 hours integration time. It was taken with my Esprit 150.





LIGHTS: L:40, R:19,G:22, B:17 x 600s. H: 30 x 1800s. DARKS: 30, BIAS:100, FLATS:40 all at -20C

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17 hours ago, Petergoodhew said:

n excellent image of a target so often overshadowed by its big neighbour.  Well done.  That long integration has really paid off.

Thanks Peter. :)

17 hours ago, Rodd said:

Lovely....makes me pine for LRGB, which I find difficult.  I really like the naturalness of the image...and the scale!  You really "got right in there".  Is this a crop?  Sh2-201 is quite a little gem.


Hi Rodd

Yes, Narrow Band imaging is great for revealing detail but in my opinion you cannot beat LRGB from naturalness. I do agree it is difficult, particularly when you have nebulosity around.  Yes, it is a crop, although not very much has been chopped ! :hello:


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