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AZ GTi query


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Had a very quick "first light" with my newly acquired mount last night. 

One thing I noticed is that after a goto command, when the mount starts tracking, there's an audible clicking/tapping sort of noise coming from the mount. 

Is this normal? Anyone experienced anything similar. 

Also, which type of alignment are most people using from the Synscan Pro App?

Many thanks. 

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So. It would seem as though this is something to do with the Azimuth area of the mount. When the clutch is locked down there is a certain amount of "play" in this axis. I assume this is what's known as backlash? 

When the clutch on the azimuth is slackened off the noise ceases. 

Anyway I've been on to FLO and they have said to send it back. Just waiting some postage labels and they can probably collect from my place of work. 

I've seen articles on Cloudy Nights about removing the backlash. But really don't want, and I don't think I should have to be doing this on a new item tbh. 

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Hi, I have the same mount with a SkyWatcher 127 and been using it for just under 9 months now. I don't hear any tapping or clicking, the odd quiet whirring sound now and then when tracking, yes.

With the app alignment I use 'one star alignment', at this time of year and due to viewing limitations at the back of my house I align to Altair. Seems to work well so far. As far as my understanding of 'backlash' goes, every geared mount will have some degree of 'backlash', it is just an undesirable side effect of using gears in anything but there are ways of reducing the effect.

With the SynScan app when aligning and after every 'go to' operation on objects always uses the 'up' and 'right' arrows to allow you to complete the alignment or 'go to' operation because you 'will not be sending alignment information to the computer in which backlash has introduced errors. The result will be go-to operations that are far more accurate.' 


When centring alignment stars during go-to calibration, always make the final approach to the alignment star using the Up and Right buttons on the hand control. Overshoot and back up if necessary, but make sure the last buttons pressed on the hand controller are Up or Right, not Left or Down.


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I align with as many stars as I can be bothered with 😕  The accuracy improves as that number increases, but depending on what I'm going to be doing, this can be less crucial.  That said, I find the n-star alignment routines better than the 'level north' option, which always seems a little problematic for me.  I think part of this is me using my iPhone as a compass, which probably isn't quite accurate enough near so much metal.

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Thanks for the info guys. Hopefully FLO will be in touch shortly regarding the one I returned. Ideally I want a replacement that doesn't make a noise like the last one did. And also has much less play or backlash in both axis. The mount itself is ideal for my needs. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 22/09/2019 at 21:42, jadcx said:

I align with as many stars as I can be bothered with 😕  The accuracy improves as that number increases, but depending on what I'm going to be doing, this can be less crucial.  That said, I find the n-star alignment routines better than the 'level north' option, which always seems a little problematic for me.  I think part of this is me using my iPhone as a compass, which probably isn't quite accurate enough near so much metal.

I was wondering why my compass apps were all not working properly!
I used a standard camping compass and found that the scope affects it as soon as I bring the compass any closer than about 10" from it.

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4 hours ago, neonblade said:

I was wondering why my compass apps were all not working properly!
I used a standard camping compass and found that the scope affects it as soon as I bring the compass any closer than about 10" from it.

Yes - I haven't found a good compass option, but the 1-star alignment is usually good enough for some quick visual observing.

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In on my second mount now after returning the first one to FLO. I'm still not convinced that the second one is all that good tbh. Need to.have a few more outings with it. My intention was to use it for some imaging and some EEVA perhaps. But I'm not sure the "GOTO's" are accurate enough the based on the time I have spent with it so far.  Perhaps I will try using sharpcap to platesolve for more accurate imaging first. That's is the tracking is good enough. Lol

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39 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

Isn't there something about in the settings enabling the additional encoders from the default shipped setting, and this sorts alignment accuracy.

Yes. You have to enable it via the app everytime. Not used it enough yet to see if it's any better tbh. 

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On 08/10/2019 at 21:23, happy-kat said:

Isn't there something about in the settings enabling the additional encoders from the default shipped setting, and this sorts alignment accuracy.

OK - I'm feeling a little stupid now.  But the what?

I've checked my app, and yes, I can see the option, had no idea this was a thing.  Are there really *additional* encoders?  Or are these the *normal* encoders for the Freedom Find functionality?

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