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130 pds, 294mc pro and idas p2 filter


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Not the best idea perhaps being a full moon tonight but after receiving my new shiny p2 filter from FLO and clear skies i had to give it a go. All captured in Sharpcap with master dark and flat. 294 mc pro at -5, 12 second exposures 49-50 stacks at bin 1 and gain of 100-150. All images saved as viewed.

Bubble Nebula ( deffo one of my favourites :) )




Iris Nebula






Pacman Nebula



Considering it was a full moon and in bortle 8-9 skies i am thoroughly impressed with this filter.  Looking forward to the next clear, moonless night :D 

Edited by barkingsteve
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Great range of shots. A good illustration of how it's well worth grabbing a clear night if you can even if it's moonlit especially if you have got the equipment to counteract the sky-glow.

Looking at the FLO page for the IDAS P2 filter I see that the reviewers mentioned internal reflections as being a possible issue. You don't seem to have had problems. Any thoughts?

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Thanks guys. I can only guess it is where people put the filter in the image train ?  perhaps they are placing it too close to the camera. My image train is: camera ->21mm extension ->16.5mm extension -> baader mk III cc -> idas p2   as you can see, no problems with reflections ( shrugs shoulders )  :D   

I normally wouldn't go eaa on a full moon myself but i wanted to test this filter, glad i did now :)  I will say it is the easiest time i have had with any cls/uhc filter colour balancing, it allows me to be a little liberal with the saturation. In my opinion the phrase ' you get what you pay for' really does apply in this case. I have ordered an altair astro tri band filter to test also, perhaps i should of held off, hopefully i will get to test that one next week .

Edited by barkingsteve
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Hi Steve,

Again, very impressed by your achievements. Since the last posting I have looked at your link, downloaded Sharp Cap, read up as much as I can and then had two sessions using my set up and Sharp cap. I found it totally frustrating - very confused by Sharp cap as to what to do. The results were just rubbish, confusing as to how to save a shot, confusing as to how to use the histogram, confused by live stacking and getting it to align......... Normally I use Ultrastar camera and starlight live - it is so intuitive, so easy and I do not have to understand anything to get a reasonable shot. So today I uninstalled Sharp cap and decided to stick with the Ultrastar. Need someone to sit with me to understand what to do..........Unfortunately until I can get confident with Sharp cap it rules out all cameras other than the Lodestar/Ultrastar which is not where I wish to be......


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Sorry to hear that Mike, i wish i could be of more help. I started with sharpcap pro as i got a year free with my altair 385c cam and have never used anything else, so i cannot compare. All i can suggest is to keep an eye out on the night skies network:


Some of the guys there who live broadcast use sharpcap and are usually happy to answer any questions you may have while they are imaging. Just watching what they do may help.


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