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Two small scopes.


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Some might say "too small scopes "! Very very surprised that the 70mm f10 , that I rescued from the tip ,( lady was about to throw it in ) performed so well. First , the Moon and no ca, nice sharp views of the terminator and the Alpine valley. Then onto Saturn and right sharp at x180 , nice !

A quick cloud dodge to see what it can do, iota Cassiopeiae nice and clear , then over to the fainter eta Cass. Even the glow of M31 showed up. Up to the "double double" epsilon Lyrae. They both split , showing the difference in alignment and magnitudes. Well happy , over to the double cluster , NGC 884 and NGC 891. Even the dark moss of NGC 7789 showed well. Completely enjoyable , with such great contrast and sharpness. The scope generously came with a mirror diagonal and a cracking old school 20mm Celestron ep. 

Clouds scudded away and a bigger gun , the old Vixen 102. Some cracking views, tested out on 36 Andromedae. Split at x180, not bad for a 1.2" split. Had a look around , but deep sky was beyond this sky. Apart from some clusters , such as the glorious NGC 752 in Andromeda ( another Caroline Herschel discovery) . I can't imagine finding one of these for the first time ever. Tried for M74, but it's very elusive.

Went for some Triangulum and Aries targets. Mesarthim (the "Ram's eyes") is just unmissable , discovered in 1664 by Robert Hooke, " car headlights " just about says it. Iota Trianguli gives a lovely view , a most interesting quad , giving a yellow and blue combination.

A huge view of the Pleiades and clouds filtered in. Here's to more clear skies and small scopes !IMG_7136.thumb.JPG.be62f95bc78db5495d12aa32b11090c5.JPG




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