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Eagle Doubles And More


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8.20pm - quite clear - Jupiter on show - set up the ED80 on GoTo again, a pleasing combination (sharp, easy location, tracking).  A bit later, x80, the Galilean moons were all clear along with the main belts - less so x120.  Aligned on Jupiter.

The plan was to try Aquila doubles, and get down to a close pair.

S749 - binary, 60" - close match, easy split x24, one other star nearby.

57 Aql - quadruple, visual double, 36" - lovely "up/down" pair, again an easy split at x24, close match, one other star in the FOV.

Getting tighter - Sigma 2449 - binary, 7.9" - large triangle with this at the top - close match, good split x80.

Sigma 2613 - triple, visual double, 3.6" - many more stars clear now (9.00pm) - another close match, and another triangle, with the double to one side, and another  "up/down" pair, clear split at x96.

I had hoped to crack H 1 93, 1.8" - just within the resolution limit for the ED80, but although I got it at the end of a line of three, I couldn't get a split, up to x192.

To finish, I targeted the famous Iota Cas - a visual triple, 2.9", 7.1" - which for some reason I haven't got round to.  A fine sight - at x96, the three stars formed an obtuse angle, with one close to the central bright one, and a fainter one further away.  Noticeably different magnitudes this time.

Increasing cloud brought the session to a close after a successful 1hour 40mins..



Edited by cloudsweeper
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Nice report! I could not identify H193 using Skysafari or stelledoppie. Is  it HJ, HU, or  does it have any other designations?

Upd. Well, after editing  I see it was H I 93


I know all existing doubles abbreviations, but was not sure what exactly did you mean.

By the way, planetary NGC6852 located nearby, interesting object.

Edited by Slava80
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2 hours ago, Slava80 said:

Nice report! I could not identify H193 using Skysafari or stelledoppie. Is  it HJ, HU, or  does it have any other designations?

I should have written it as H 1 93 (now corrected).  W. Herschel's catalogues go H 1 to H 6, also H N, according to the Cambridge Double Star Atlas.  Concerning the first six at least, it seems that the higher the number, the wider the separation.  I believe H N groups all the classes together.

Again from CDSA, HJ is the J. Herschel catalogue, and HU is the W. J. Hussey one.

Hope this helps!

I shall have another go at H 1 93, with more aperture!


Edited by cloudsweeper
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H 1 93 (7.58m primary and  8.39m secondary, separation 1.8") was splitted successfully, 07 Sep 2019, using Orion100ED f/9.

A small hint only at 72x, hardly seen at 134x, well detected at 144x, 150x, and finally resolved at 321x. Atmosphere was good, 2 of 5 by Antoniadi scale.

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56 minutes ago, Slava80 said:

H 1 93 (7.58m primary and  8.39m secondary, separation 1.8") was splitted successfully, 07 Sep 2019, using Orion100ED f/9.

A small hint only at 72x, hardly seen at 134x, well detected at 144x, 150x, and finally resolved at 321x. Atmosphere was good, 2 of 5 by Antoniadi scale.

Good work.  I'm still waiting for a chance to have another go at it.  Looks like you did it at x150 - that fits with my calculation of about x160.  (Although many factors have to be considered.)


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