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ZWO 224c & Processing

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Hi guys,

I wonder if anyone is able to help me.

Recently bought the ZWOASI224c and connected it to my SW 80x600 appo doublet unguided. Have taken videos and stills of Jupiter and processed with Sharpcap, AS and Registax but the results from Registax are appauling.

Have been using this scope with a x2 Barlow and my Panasonic GX8 and getting very reasonable results so dissapointed with the ZWO so far.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated, thanks in advance. Images to follow

JUP-28-10RS A (GX8)...P1640655.jpg

ZWO 224...J1-V120_36_21_pipp_F_0000016-Z.jpg

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Hi Del,

I know nothing about planetary imaging but it appears you have taken good quality images in the past. Jupiter need I tell you is not well place at the moment but on the subject of Zwo camera, I am having a nightmare with my 071, already I feel even if it is all my fault it was a grave mistake buying it. I am sure someone can help you shortly.


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I have the ZWO224MC, and it is a very capable camera, as can be seen in this shot with Jupiter pretty high up in the sky


Both shot with a C8, so much more aperture. With my APM 80mm F/6 triplet and Meade 3x TeleXtender I got this


Your scope should be capable of something similar. There are a few issues that could cause the problem in your second image. My first thought is that AS didn't recognize the videos as raw colour images, and/or got the Bayer mask wrong. This might actually be caused by some SharpCap setting being wrong (same sometimes happens with FireCapture + AS that I use). You can force AS to use a particular Bayer mask, and then rerun the stacking. The results should be better. It is also important to use a UV/IR block filter (or just IR block), as the ASI224MC is very sensitive in IR. Omitting this however only leads to colours that look odd, and some mild patterning, but nothing like what you see here. Hope this helps



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