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Looking for advice on my EQ6 altitude back bolt.


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Hi' Please i am looking for advice on the back handle back bolt on the altitude part of the mount.The bolt goes all the way in along the threaded hole and the mount stop at 50 degree but i need 51-- for the mount where i am.I don't know if i need a new back bolt or do i need the thread on the mount redone.Please can any one help me,I have done a photo of the threaded hole Thanks for reading.Mark


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8 minutes ago, Freddie said:

I believe the front and back bolts are different lengths so swapping them could help. Though it is also possible that I am completely wrong!!

Hi Freddie'Thanks for coming back yes the bolts are different lengths but the front bolt is shorter than the back bolt.Mark

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44 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

I think I have one but need to know if it's what you're looking for.. 

Hi' Thanks for coming back,The back bolt have got a black handle and a red button which you push in when turning the bolt.Mark

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13 minutes ago, 6footgeek said:

Sorry taff just saw your reply above! The bolt is just an m10 x however long you want it (M10x114) etc if you wanted to just get a longer one

Hi Thanks for the page i will give it a read.It does say about NEQ6 mount.Mark

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12 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

I have this back bolt from a neq6 going spare if it'll help. 


Yes' please it look like the one i had when i first had the mount.How much do you want for the bolt?

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13 hours ago, Taff said:

OK will do that is very kind of you to give me the bolt.Mark

Just a thought, I once screwed the centre bolt up into the mount to much and this stopped me adjusting the altitude beyond 50 degrees too. Once I backed it off a little it was OK. Mine is pier mounted though so easier to do that mistake. Had to add some large washers so I'd less bolt going through. 

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