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Looking for camera advice

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Just want to start dabbling in a little photography

I do have a DSLR and use it mainly for Lunar single shot photos.

However im considering something like the ZWO Camera ASI 224 MC Color

any advise would be great



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The various sub-disciplines have very different requirements, especially planetary vs. deep-sky, and even within deep-sky you might have different needs depending on your targets (big emission nebulae? Small galaxies?).

What would you like to image? What level of light pollution are you working in? And what sort of optics do you have at your disposal?

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I like that little camera (as well as the 290mono) because it is cheap and cheerful and also very versatile. They are excellent planetary cameras, very-very good for eaa, you can do some decent galaxy imaging with them, and when you move on to serious imaging, they make great guiding cameras.

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Most beginners ask the wrong question which I fell for it when I got started with DSO astrophotography. The right question is, what mount should I get instead of what camera. You will actually enjoy what you have now if you can put it on a mount that at least can handle 40lbs to start (I had to upgrade mine). A $3000 camera attach to a cheap/unstable mount will give you grief. A $300 DSLR attached to a $3000 mount will give you a big smile on your images..

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