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Lagoon, 5 night between the trees

alan potts

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Five nights I have grabbed data between the trees and once in them, this is 3 hours now and I have left the orange stars in place as some tell me thats as they should be. Canon 40D at 3mins x60 on a modded camera.

Please feel free to offer advice on any aspect, it's the only way to learn, guiding is becoming more natural now thanks to help from members, even this low down, it starts at only 20 degrees above the horizon.

No darks in any of my shots now since I managed to dither, wouldn't have thought that I would have needed so much help with that, been doing it for years.





Hope you like it,



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5 minutes ago, carastro said:

Great image Alan, you seem to have stepped up a notch.


Kind of you to say, I feel it is just that I am getting more data and also paying a bit more attention to things, help given by you and others is starting to bare fruit, still a lot to think of though. Kicked the tripod last night whilst sliding the roof back, so no doubt the wheels will come off with regards to PA.


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45 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

I most certainly do! That’s excellent Alan, well done.  


Thank you Dave, I am fairly pleased with it because so much of the data was taken when this target was fairly low, I said 20 degrees I believe it is actually a bit less. The trouble it my gap is due south and of course there is meridian flip to consider. Well last night I just ignored it, still getting decent guiding. I feel the real reason is the sky is very good here looking that way, nothing for over 100 miles apart from Greece. I am still struggling with focus and it is catching me out from time to time, sometimes it seems to change all by itself, can temperature drop cause it as 8-10 degrees drops off quite quickly.


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Hi Alan..  based on my setup I’d expect the focus point to change quite a bit with that kind of temperature drop, so worth keeping an eye on it and refocusing every couple of degrees and see if that sorts the issue out..  over time and with experiment you’ll find out how often is necessary 


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