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Veil mosaic


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Two consecutive clear nights with no moon is almost inconceivable! Not that I'm complaining.

Managed to get the Eastern Veil last night to add to the Western Veil from the night before. Both halves are 30x120s of Ha and 30x120s of OIII using an ASI1600-Pro Cooled at 139 gain / 56 offset.

Mosaic created in APP - it took two hours to do each filter - that's half the imaging time! Processed in PI (DBE, LinearFit, AdaptiveStretch) and combined in PixelMath with 40%-Ha and 60%-OIII in the Green channel. All followed by a tiny colour tweak in PS and minimal noise reduction.


Please feel free to offer CC - it's the only way to improve.

Thanks for looking.


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8 minutes ago, alan potts said:

Lovely image, I guess it is taken with an Olll filter, is it possible to take without with a camera, as visually I can't see it even with an 18 inch.

Hi Alan,

Thank you. It is taken with Ha (7nm) and OIII (8nm) filters. If I understand your question correctly I imaged it using RGB filters on the first night (for star colour as much as anything) but I found the nebula was barely visible using 60s exposures. Sky Safari says it has a magnitude of +5.00 but I have no experience of visual astronomy (other than low power binoculars) so not sure how easy it would be to discern.



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13 hours ago, Adreneline said:

Hi Alan,

Thank you. It is taken with Ha (7nm) and OIII (8nm) filters. If I understand your question correctly I imaged it using RGB filters on the first night (for star colour as much as anything) but I found the nebula was barely visible using 60s exposures. Sky Safari says it has a magnitude of +5.00 but I have no experience of visual astronomy (other than low power binoculars) so not sure how easy it would be to discern.



I should have said I can't see it without a filter with an 18 inch, with filter it is really rather beautiful. My question expanding on your RGB work, will I be able to get something just using my DSLR on my scope. I do have an Olll visual filter which I imagine will be better than nothing at all.


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4 hours ago, alan potts said:

will I be able to get something just using my DSLR on my scope

Hi Alan,

In an attempt to answer your question I have processed the rgb data I took from a night of imaging the Veil with my 1600 and Samyang 135mm; we actually had three clear nights here - unheard of! - and the first night I imaged the Veil in rgb, Ha and OIII but was not overly impressed with the end result - hence the change to the ZS71+1600 and two pane mosaic.

This is only a quick process (pre-processed in APP, and then PI using ABE, AdaptiveStretch and combine in PixelMath); spending a lot more time may reveal more detail but hopefully it gives an idea.



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5 hours ago, Adreneline said:

Hi Alan,

In an attempt to answer your question I have processed the rgb data I took from a night of imaging the Veil with my 1600 and Samyang 135mm; we actually had three clear nights here - unheard of! - and the first night I imaged the Veil in rgb, Ha and OIII but was not overly impressed with the end result - hence the change to the ZS71+1600 and two pane mosaic.

This is only a quick process (pre-processed in APP, and then PI using ABE, AdaptiveStretch and combine in PixelMath); spending a lot more time may reveal more detail but hopefully it gives an idea.



You can see it right enough but it gets a little spoilt by the thousands of stars, they seem to overpower it somewhat, still a nice image though.


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3 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

Very nice result,

Thank you! I was lucky to have two clear moonless nights so I got much better and more consistent results with the OIII than normal. It would have been nice to have had astro darkness and longer nights but at least it was a rare opportunity to do something!

I'll be interested to see the results from your Duo filter.

Good luck.


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17 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

Astro-Pixel-Processor. I chose to 'rent' as opposed to buy - either way it is good value IMHO.

I wonder how much improvement it would make over using Nebulosity for stacking with Photoshop and Astra Image 4 for processing...

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23 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

I wonder how much improvement it would make over using Nebulosity for stacking with Photoshop and Astra Image 4 for processing...

Well I cannot answer that one!

I was a committed PI user and had tried with limited success to complete mosaics to an acceptable standard. Yes it can be done but to be honest I have better things to do in life than the excessively protracted procedure required to get good results. (I know others will argue differently). With APP you just load in the lights and calibration frames and it gets on with the job with minimal intervention. For mosaics it is a dream. I still use PI to process the image and PS to colour tweak but I now use APP pretty much exclusively for all pre-processing.


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4 hours ago, Adreneline said:

Well I cannot answer that one!

I was a committed PI user and had tried with limited success to complete mosaics to an acceptable standard. Yes it can be done but to be honest I have better things to do in life than the excessively protracted procedure required to get good results. (I know others will argue differently). With APP you just load in the lights and calibration frames and it gets on with the job with minimal intervention. For mosaics it is a dream. I still use PI to process the image and PS to colour tweak but I now use APP pretty much exclusively for all pre-processing.


The good thing is that there is a trial version, so I might give it a go and see whether its worth investing in.


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