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Yesterday evening I took advantage of the clear weather and trained my scope on Jupiter. In my latitudes it reaches a maximum altitude of eight degrees at best so especially in the beginning of the session it was very low on the horizon.

Still, having never observed Jupiter through a telescope it was an amazing sight. The two cloud belts around the equatorial zone could be seen intermittently during holes in the seeing and eventually as it gained altitude they got very clear.

Observed for around three hours and during that time Io moved from one side, disappeared from view and reappeared on the other edge of the gas giant. Fascinating to see orbital dynamics before my eyes in real time!

Finished off with views of Saturn that was rising. Beautiful.

First time planetary sketching as well, more difficult than I thought. Really enjoy having as a memento of a pleasant observation session though. Here it is:


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Brilliantly done. I tried sketching Jupiter on the 31st May, and like you I saw the Io peeking out from behind Jupiter, only to the west when viewed for me. Unfortunately my Jupiter wasn't as subtle and as well done as yours and it ended up looking more like a hamburger!

Still, as you say it's nice to have something to remind me of the evening.

So nicely done. Thanks for posting.

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