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Hi guys, using the zwo along with the zwo filterwheel, just wondering would I be better off swopping my Lum filter for a light pollution filter ? or does a light pollution filter go in front of the LRGB filters? not sure  how that would work tbh with a filter wheel. ny advice welcome

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Probably best option is to use 2" LPS filter in front of everything.

You can use LPS as luminance filter in the wheel, and it will produce better results than using standard lum filter provided that your LPS is matched to LP you have, but using regular R, G and B filters will lead to some nasty hue gradients that you will have to deal with.

In above configuration you can shoot regular LRGB and still have LP filtration on all of them. You can actually leave L filter position in wheel empty, because most LPS act as L cutting off IR and UV parts of spectrum, but it's best to consult LPS response curve to make sure. Leaving L empty will also mean refocusing on filter change, but I think it's better to do it anyway, even if you have parfocal filters.

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4 hours ago, vlaiv said:

Leaving L empty will also mean refocusing on filter change, but I think it's better to do it anyway, even if you have parfocal filters.

Could use a clearglass filter... https://www.gerdneumann.net/english/filter/astronomik-filters/photographische-filter-astronomilk-photographic-filters/astronomik-mc-clear-filter.html?___store=deutsch

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I was told to put the LP filter infront of everything but I just cant see where it would sit, I have the scope the wheel and the camera so it has to sit inbetween the scope and wheel but cant see how

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Ahhh right im with you, I do have a field flatener infront that slides into the telescope locked in place with a locking nut other end goes into the filterwheel, just looked at the flatner and the side that slides into my scope is threaded on the inside, so a 2" filter would screw directly into that then before sliding into my scope?

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3 hours ago, brrttpaul said:

Ahhh right im with you, I do have a field flatener infront that slides into the telescope locked in place with a locking nut other end goes into the filterwheel, just looked at the flatner and the side that slides into my scope is threaded on the inside, so a 2" filter would screw directly into that then before sliding into my scope?

I believe so - have a look! :) 

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