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Clear Skies and a New Supernova


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The evening didn’t disappoint. Lunar with the dob, seeing was good at 350x! Took me about an hour to find but got the Supernova. Only my second one! Finished with Jupiter in the Equinox 80. It was pretty low but still got the GRS. The alarm is gonna hurt in the morning but fantastic night!

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Well done Neil. That is really good going with 10”. Did you have a clever way of blocking out the moon? 

The SN didn’t exactly leap out of the eyepiece using a 16” here, but a very satisfying spot all the same 😁😁😁. I was very surprised how well the galaxies showed. One oval; one irregular & elongated with the SN just off the end furthest from the bright star. On checking the map, the second galaxy is actually two. So we have a pleasing little triplet of galaxies and a supernova all in one fov!

Re. The moon. Tonight was the first time, in three years of ownership, that I’ve pointed the 16” Dob at the moon. What a view!!! Blown away. However, things started getting a bit wobbly at much above 200x. Only later did I discover that the secondary heater was on full blast the whole time.....



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Thanks Paul. It was a combination of being in the shadow of the shed, wearing an observing hood and using an Ortho. Whenever I’m looking for something faint then the Orthos come out :) Last night really challenged my thinking on observing when the Moon is out. I didn’t think I’d be able to see the galaxies but they were quite clear. 

I’d intended to use the frac on the Moon until I read John’s report on using his 12” dob on the Moon. After that I couldn’t resist having a play to see how high I could go magnification wise. 

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