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Incredible skies this morning are 2am.

maw lod qan

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Our weather forecasters keep claiming, this is really the last cold front. After all, its April! But we had another one.

Jupiter was shining brilliantly, living up to its reputation on being the brightest thing in the sky till the moon rose. 

Barely 10 degrees to the west, Scorpio stood out very distinctly.

The milkyway was just beginning to show better as my eyes began to adapt.

I grabbed my camera and took a few widefield shots before jumping in the car for work.

Next two days are supposed to be good too, but of course I work both days.


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I had roughly the same experience, just one month later on the 27th (or maybe early 28th) of May.  It was also at 2 am and for the first time in months I could clearly recognize the milky way. Jupiter was just as you described and perfectly placed between 2 rows of trees, an hour earlier or later and it would have been out of view. A very nice experience at such an unusual time for a working day.

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Working this morning after 5 days off in a row. Once again, the view of the sky as I headed out, with Bortle 4/3, was great! 

Was lucky enough to get in 2 hours yesterday starting at 2am. Jupiter and Saturn were good for as hot and humid it was here in Florida.

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