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Sol 13-4-2019 ha


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I managed 2 ser files today with the 60 mmLunt with coroado d/s and the chameleon cam  this is the best

151 of 1000 frames stacked with AS3 prodded and poked with imppg and PS

do the clicky thing for full res





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1 hour ago, xtreemchaos said:

cracking disc Steve, hope you have some clear today, evil gray stuff here. charl.

Thanks Charl

nothing since early on, which I missed out on.

Perishing cold as well.

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Excellent pics. Amazing how much the limbs have quietened down. I really like the detail you get from your set up Steve. Which is more responsible for this compared to a single stack 50mm scope - the double stack or the extra aperture? I was contemplating the aperture question only yesterday: 50mm has an area factor of 625 versus 60mm area factor of 900, that’s 44% more than 50mm - that’s highly significant, isn’t it?!?

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57 minutes ago, PhotoGav said:

Excellent pics. Amazing how much the limbs have quietened down. I really like the detail you get from your set up Steve. Which is more responsible for this compared to a single stack 50mm scope - the double stack or the extra aperture? I was contemplating the aperture question only yesterday: 50mm has an area factor of 625 versus 60mm area factor of 900, that’s 44% more than 50mm - that’s highly significant, isn’t it?!?

Thanks Gav

Next ime out I will do a comparion for you, that is if I remember and I get enough cloud breaks.


Remind me



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