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DeepSkyStacker 0 stars problem

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Hello everybody. I have a problem.

When I register the frames at the DSS, at the end of registering, it says that only 1 light frame will be stacked.

I think it doesn't detect the stars because of bad focus.

Is there any solution to this problem?



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have a look at individual frames, can you see (>10) stars ok?  Have you tried the slider (advanced tab of register settings) to 2% for the max sensitivity?  What about the 'scores' on the frames?  if below 100 you will have a problem with the frames.  I had a similar problem with a set of subs one time, the only way i could get it to stack was changing to APP

hope that helps


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It looks as though you haven't got any light frames selected.  You have to click on check all (or go through each sub checking the box at the left hand side).

Not sure if this is the complete solution but try 'check all' and then see if it will stack?


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You could try superpixel mode - that halves the resolution but seems better at detecting blurred stars, or try the manual star editor (the red  star on the right hand panel above the comet) and see if you can pick any up with that,


Edited by dph1nm
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try the manual star editor (the red  star on the right hand panel above the comet) and see if you can pick any up with that,

So that means I need to mark every star? (sorry for silly question, I'm new with DSS).


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What does it say when you click the recommended settings button? I follow these most of the time. It should be detecting loads of stars in those subs. Theres a setting that needs tweaking somewhere. Have you made sure its using the correct Bayer matrix? Your using a Nikon?

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On 08/04/2019 at 15:54, Evaldas_Saulys said:

So that means I need to mark every star? (sorry for silly question, I'm new with DSS).

No - when you hover over the image with your mouse it pops up something which says "add this star?" or "remove this star?" (or words like that).  It does therefore  have to have detected something in the first place (and for whatever reason decided it is not a star) for this to work, so it isn't as simple as you manually selecting the positions of the stars you can see, and if it really hasn't detected anything then it will not work.

On 08/04/2019 at 15:43, Evaldas_Saulys said:

It detects from 5 to 15 stars from each light, but when I try to stack it, it still says that only 1 frame will be stacked.

My suspicion is that most of these are noise/hot pixels and not real stars. These can, and should, be removed with the star editor again. The other, less likely, possibility is that that it has found different stars in each image - you do have to have 8 stars in common between the subs.


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OK, frustrating times!  Thanks for the picture, you can see the score is low, the FHWM is high not sure why, maybe a bit out of focus?  The other thing i would try is to stack without all the calibration frames, sometimes i found that 'bad' flats or darks messed with the lights during registration process - so you will need to 'register already registered frames'.  

I also tried out Astro Pixel Processor, and it stacked when DSS failed....the free program is good, but has some limits it seems

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There is usually only 2 reasons for DSS to not detect stars. Either the star detection threshold slider is set incorrectly, or the stars are out of focus. If DSS suddenly detects 1000+ stars, the threshold is set too low and it\s only detecting noise. Aim for 30-300 stars, depending on the target.

If you upload a frame (full resolution) we will usually be able to instantly tell what\s wrong and what settings are needed (if out of focus is the issue, there is no good solution, but resizing all the frames 50% for example can solve the issue).

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