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M74 - just to prove it's there


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Ok, this is a pretty awful shot but it's M74 and it's most certainly there, despite being the phantom galaxy. Just needs a lot more data, a lot better guiding, better processing and a bit more effort on my part. Interestingly trying to observe it in the 8" to get it in the FOV was very tricky as it's so faint - with averted vision it was just possible to detect something was there.

Anyway it's 4 X 600sec at ISO 800


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Thats not too bad Sam even if it is a little noisy......

Wouldnt be easier to let the camera do the work for you by taking short subs around 20secs to help you get it in the FOV? You should be able to see your target as a small fuzzy on the screen, and its easier than squinting through the EP.......


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Yes that would be an easier way. Once you've seen M74 once then you know what to look for so it's not too difficult getting it in the FOV. The tricky bit is finding a guide star and keeping the object in the FOV. :hello2:


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There's definitely a trick to finding the faint ones. You have to use averted vision and keep the FOV moving - either through slewing or by wobbling the scope slowly. Last night through the 8" I couldn't see M74 with the scope not moving, I had to keep slewing it to see it. I think the eye gets used to finding these faint ones after a while. It's quite rewarding to see them. I also saw M33 through the binos last night - that was much easier than M74 - though no chance seeing that through the binos!

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