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Observing DSOs in Leo

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My 12" Dob has been outside for several days. I made the decision to view DSOs in Leo last night but before starting I wanted another go at the Medusa Nebula. My various observing guides recommend a wide FOV EP + an O-III filter. So I used my 30mm Revelation + 2" Castell O-III. Using my 80mm finderscope it was easy to find the location using the Interstellarum atlas. Did I see it? Well I could make out a very faint 'glow' not totally certain but it was in the right place.

Over to Leo and these are the Galaxies that I observed over several hours - NGC 3193, 3190, 3226, 3227, M95, M96, M105, 3384, 3389, 3412, 3377, 3367, M66, M65 and NGC 3628.

It was now becoming misty so I viewed M53 but failed again on NGC 5053. Ended the night going south to Corvus and just picked up the PN NGC 4361.

Outreach event tonight at a dark site near Fownhope (close to the SGL star party site) but only taking my 6" Newt so hopefully a tour around Virgo.


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Great report Mark !

My 5th night of observing on the trot tonight with the 12 inch dob pointing at Leo currently after a diversion to spot a quasar in Draco (and a Cat's Eye while I was over there).

Transparency is variable just now though so I'm having a coffee and hoping that it will improve rather than the opposite.

Got to give it a break tomorrow and Saturday night for social functions so making the most of it now :icon_biggrin:

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