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M 101 - Pinwheel galaxy


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The clouds was kind enough to stay away this night.

Skywatcher ProMak Newton 190 MN
Skywatcher NEQ6 pro
DSLR Canon 700D Baader modified: Exposures 10x600, 23x400, 10x100 ISO 800
DSS and Pixinsight


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A very good and sharp image Ceph.

You may want to look at your histogram read out for the background sky and some of the stars - there is a blue cast across the FOV.  Don't lose it on M101 though - you have captured the hot blue stars of the spiral arms well (maybe a touch mauve) but very good.

Lovely spiralling HII regions as well.  Very well done.


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Thanks. Yes it is there and even another one below M101 :)

Thank you

Thanks. Sometimes the most works well, there are some things to improve but all in all I am happy with the pic.
I am surprised myself over the details as there are not so much exposure time.

Thank you

The background has been a puzzle on this one as it was far to red from the start. Yes I see a touch of to much
blue in the histogram, but I cant see it on my on my screen, tricky. I will reduce the blue on the background a little and will see
what I can do about the stars, thanks for letting me know and you kind comment :)

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