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Starry Night problem


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The missus had to go and reinstall Itunes last night on my laptop! Anyway it has now mucked up Starry Night Pro6. Same as the prviou problems with Itunes/Quictime and starry night, I get no Messier Object/NGC etc. I had alredy upgraded to the latest version which is supposed to have a fix for this problem and I also reapplied the upgrade patch but it's still the same. Has anybody any other ideas?

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Uninstall the itunes guff and keep Susan away from your lappy mate....... Or as mentioned earlier, uninstall quick time and starry night. Reinstall starry night and quick time will be installed also as a final stage, I know this as I had to do a full reinstall last week due to an unknown tech prob my lappy had. Although reading a thread in the lounge it might have been a MS update the b*gg**d it up.


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Not an option George as she needs ITunes installed, she runs a music&movement business for under 5's and all her music is on the ipod.

Buy a cheapie lappy off fleabay......you know its the right thing todo :laughing2: :laughing2: :thumbright:

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