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Jupiter and Io movie


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Well i got round to digging out a Movie i made of Jupiter and Io's shadow found it on an Old website of mine..

It was done with a 8" reflector and Toucam pro Sc1 early last year if i remember rightly..

James :)


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  • 11 months later...

Thanks for the comments chaps :D

I really cant wait to do another one know knowing what iam doing hehe when it was done i think id been imaging only for a few months i imagine the next one to be far better.

Come on, tell me.... when can I signup for the James Dyson advanced astro imaging course?

Hehe there's far better imagers out there and on here than me Grant :D

To do a Planetry Movie like the one above it's just a matter of taking Avi's(Movies) every 15 mins for as long as you can, i dont remember the exact timeing of the movie but at a guess id say 3hrs?

After stacking all of the Avi's and getting ya stacked frames load em up in a Animation studio or Adobe IMAGE READY and place your frames in a time sync. One tip is not too disturb your webcams Adadpter as i did this way you wont need to be rotateing your frames to level everything like i did.



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