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M42 - just layering around


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Steve, to my eye it looks overplayed with, its something I'm in the habit of doing striving to get the best out of an image.

This image altho over exposed in the bright regions looks far more natural http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,33877.0.html

I'm doing photoshop ATM at nightschool and have just started learning layers, fascinating subject and i hope to improve my images using this method.

There's a good tutorial here on layers for astro work http://tinyurl.com/2eczrt

In fact that whole site is a goldmine for the digital astrophotographer http://tinyurl.com/mmflt well worth a bookmark.

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Cheers George, you have pointed me towards my own image on which this one is based and I agree completely with your comment about my original being more natural - I ignored the core and went for the dust with that one!

The layered portion was taken with the opposite view - to get the Trapezium (core) region correct and the obvious game was to try and match the two but I wasn't happy with it, hence the post!

Kevin, interesting how the noise and vignetting came in as I layered the core region - I suspect that I could have done with some better data for the 'core' layer as this was not a wide FOV like the base and blending the two made it necessary for me to stretch the thing too far hence the noise!

Thanks for your comments folks, I shall get back to the drawing board!

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Wow Steve :thumbright: :hello1: ,

What a transformation, hard to believe you pulled that image out of the first one posted, excellent job. Have to say I prefer the more natural process less the diffraction spikes.

Suppose one thing about these miserable nights :hello2::p is that it gives us time to play and hone the processing skills that in the unlikely event of a clear spell we might be able to get some new data to play with.

Superb reprocess, well done.


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