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Too much red stretching?


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I finally got my first image with the Atik 383L+ and first using filters.  Its 6 x 600 sec in each of L, R, G and B stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop.  I've had several attempts at processing it being guided by tutorials here in the lounge and a couple by Sara Wager. Thanks to those who go to the trouble of creating them.  One big issue was a strong glow on the left hand edge that only occured with the green filter.  Anyway, the question: The image looks OK-ish to me but the histogram, particularly the red looks a bit chaotic.  Is this what you would expect in a processed image?



Any suggestions for improvement gratefully received.


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You have loads of good detail and data Robin, but it is too red for my taste.

Have a look at Peter Shah's recent image for how it "should" look. The reflection nebulae below B33 will also come to life when you nail it

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Yes, I don't know what happened to the colour balance, but you look as though you have your star channels lined up, so that's one good hurdle to have achieved.

You seem to have got a lot of detail in the small nebula at the bottom, that should look great once you get the colour sorted.


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First of all, this is a pretty spiffy first attempt.  There's loads of good data there and low noise overall.  In terms of colour balance I had a bit of a quick play in good ol' PaintShop (I don't do Adobe).  It's your image and I don't believe in posting other folk's data (and I'm nowhere near as good a processing whiz as other folk here) but I found that 1) dropping the overall saturation a bit and 2) bending the low end of the blue curve a bit (Paintshop version attached) gave me a slightly more colour-balanced picture.  You will be able to do the same things in Photoshop I'm sure.  Have a play - you are very close to what I think is a very good image.


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Not familiar with Photoshop though it's a goal for this year to learn how to use it. Looks like you've clipped the green too much. In Pixinsight when I play with the histogram I get that effect you have with the red (very wide bottom) when the midpoint of a channel is stretched too far to the right. Try aligning all the channels? Can you go back to before the green was clipped?

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Thanks all, I'll have another go at this based on your suggestions. 

David, I did severely cut back the green as with that filter (only) there was a very strong glow on the left hand edge and that was the only way I could see to get rid of it.  I thought it might have come from Alnitak but it didn't effect the other filters.

Perhaps there is another way of removing it with another layer without altering the colour balance of the whole image.

I tried HaOIIISII last night but if the weather stays fine I'll be doing LRGB tonight and it will be interesting to see if I get the same green glow.

Thanks again

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